Cooking and baking can be both an art and a science, requiring precise measurements to create delicious and consistent dishes. One of the most common conversions in the kitchen is converting between cups and tablespoons. Whether you're following a new recipe, scaling a dish for a larger crowd, or simply trying to understand the basic measurements, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate through the world of cups and tablespoons with ease. Here are 10 essential kitchen conversions that will make your culinary adventures a breeze.

  1. The Basic Conversion: Cups to Tablespoons

To start, it's important to understand the basic conversion between cups and tablespoons. One cup is equal to 16 tablespoons. So, if a recipe calls for 1/2 cup of an ingredient, you'll need 8 tablespoons (16 divided by 2). This simple conversion is a foundation for all the other conversions in this guide.

  1. Converting Tablespoons to Teaspoons

Another common measurement in recipes is the teaspoon. To convert tablespoons to teaspoons, remember that 1 tablespoon equals 3 teaspoons. So, if a recipe calls for 2 tablespoons, you'll need 6 teaspoons.

  1. Converting Cups to Ounces (Fluid)

Fluid ounces are used to measure the volume of liquids. One cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces, and one fluid ounce is equal to 2 tablespoons. This is helpful when measuring liquid ingredients such as water, milk, or oil.

  1. Converting Dry Ingredients: Cups to Grams

When measuring dry ingredients, it's common to use grams, especially in baking. Converting cups to grams can vary depending on the ingredient's density. For example, one cup of all-purpose flour weighs approximately 125 grams, while one cup of granulated sugar weighs approximately 200 grams. It's best to consult a conversion chart for accurate measurements of specific ingredients.

  1. Converting Cups to Milliliters (mL)

Milliliters are another unit of measurement for liquids. One cup is equal to 240 milliliters, and one tablespoon is equal to 15 milliliters. This is helpful when using recipes that call for milliliters or when measuring with a metric measuring cup.

  1. Converting Cups to Pints and Quarts

Pints and quarts are units of volume used for larger quantities. One cup is equal to 0.5 pints and 0.25 quarts. When measuring ingredients in pints or quarts, simply multiply the number of cups by 2 for pints or 4 for quarts.

  1. Converting Stick of Butter

Butter is often sold in sticks, which can make measuring a bit confusing. One stick of butter equals 1/2 cup, or 8 tablespoons. Keep this in mind when your recipe calls for a certain amount of butter in tablespoons or cups.

  1. Converting Large Egg Quantity

Eggs are another ingredient that may require conversion. A large egg contains approximately 3 tablespoons of liquid (yolk and white combined). If a recipe calls for a specific quantity of eggs in tablespoons, you can use this conversion to determine the number of eggs needed.

  1. Converting Cups to Liters

Liters are used to measure larger volumes of liquids. One cup is equal to 0.24 liters, while one tablespoon is equal to 0.015 liters. This conversion is useful when working with large quantities of liquid or when using a metric measuring jug.

  1. Converting Baking Powder and Baking Soda

Baking powder and baking soda are crucial ingredients in many baked goods, and their measurements can impact the final result. One teaspoon of baking powder equals 5 grams, while one teaspoon of baking soda equals 5 grams as well. When converting between cups and tablespoons for these ingredients, keep in mind that 16 tablespoons of baking powder or baking soda would each equal approximately 80 grams.


Mastering these 10 essential kitchen conversions will help you become a more confident and versatile cook or baker. By understanding the relationships between cups, tablespoons, and other common units of measurement, you can more easily follow recipes, adapt them to your needs, and even create your own culinary masterpieces. Always keep a handy conversion chart or reference this guide when in doubt, and enjoy your time in the kitchen!