How frustrating is it to have water pooling at your feet when you only want to take a relaxing shower? The mini water flood on the floor is a sign of clogged drains. We know how hair is the main culprit behind clogged shower drains.

Other materials like lint, soap suds, and residue from baths are also the leading causes of blocking the shower drain. Below, we have collected some tips from the plumbers in Corona to unclog the blockages and resume your peaceful time in the bath.

Easy Ways To Unclog Your Shower Drain

Use Your Hands.

You can easily remove the clog by hand if visible and accessible. Wear a pair of kitchen or rubber gloves and reach with your fingers to pull the clog out. You can also use special plastic hooks to catch onto the slimy clog of hair and soapy suds. Using straightened coat hangers with a bent tip for unclogging can damage your drain.

Use A Drain Snake.

A plumbing or drain snake is a tool used to remove clogs that block your drains and pipelines. It is a long, flexible metal cable with a tiny uncoiled spring on one end with the handle on another. When you use the drain snake, it uncoils down the drain.

It reaches the buildup responsible for the backup, which blocks and clogs the drainage. It either breaks the clogging substance or retrieves it from the pipe. You should ensure the cleanliness of the drain snake after every use.

Use A Kettle Of Boiling Water.

If the drain snake wasn't successful in clearing the clog and there are no visible blockages clogging the drain, then you should use boiling water down the drain. The heat of the water can aid in dissolving softer buildup, such as soap scum holding the clog together around the edges. Repeat the process 2-3 times. This will help in clearing the clogged drain.

When boiling water is poured, do it steadily and slowly, so it doesn't splash and cause burns. You can use a kettle or a funnel to pour the water down the drain.  This method might not work if you are dealing with serious obstruction causing a blockage in your drainage. It will eliminate soft buildup; it will partially clear the blockage.

Use Natural Ingredients

If your drain is clogged by organic matter, then you should opt for natural drainage cleaners like baking soda and vinegar. Sometimes conventional chemical cleaners don't do the work. Moreover, chemical cleaners are highly corrosive and toxic to use. In such cases, you should choose natural homemade drain cleaners.

The DIY (do it yourself) cleaners can be as potent as chemical ones on light clogs. Pour a kettle of hot water down the drain. Use a cup of baking soda and vinegar to pour down the drain, one after the other. Wait for 15-30 minutes and rinse it with boiling water.

Call The Plumber

If none of the above tips work, you should contact the plumbers at Corona.