Patients with several missing teeth are typically more worried about how this dental problem will impact their appearance and smile. The truth is, losing a tooth or more isn't just an issue of cosmetics.

If you are missing tooth enamel, you could suffer more severe problems. These include accidental shifting or moving of your teeth's natural ones, the increased risk of gingival recession and gum disease and bone loss.

Your chance of developing serious dental problems will be greater if you don't do anything to restore your missing teeth as soon as they become damaged.

For these factors, once the tooth is lost, you need to select the options of bridges, dentures or dental implants for treatment for restorative reasons whenever you can get a healthy, gorgeous smile.

Benefits of the procedure of obtaining Dental Implants

If you're missing one tooth, a couple of them or even all your natural teeth, dental implants ought to be at the top of your list of replacement options. This is because this treatment has the following advantages:

1. They function and appear like natural teeth

The most significant advantages of implants are that they appear and feel similar to natural teeth.

When the implants are implanted surgically, they create a solid attachment to your jawbone after several months. Since they are fixed to your bone, just like regular teeth, the implants and false teeth can feel as natural as you chew or talk.

Dental implants mean that it is possible to eat the foods you enjoy without worrying about damage to the prosthetic. In contrast to wearing dentures, you'll be able to enjoy the full flavour of texture, temperature, and taste of your food and drinks.

The new teeth will be designed to look similar to the natural teeth. Therefore, it would be difficult to tell if they're not real.

Implants can help you be able to regain your smile. You'll be able to enjoy your complete collection of whites like normal.

2. They won't impact your remaining natural teeth

Compared to dentures and dental bridges, Implants are the most effective alternative for therapeutic purposes because, when they are put in, the surrounding natural teeth don't have for preparation. They will not be damaged in any way.

If you decide to use dentures, The prosthetic will depend on the natural teeth of the adjacent teeth to provide support. This can stress the teeth and cause them to become loose as time passes.

A dental bridge means that adjacent teeth must support the prosthetic well. It will put excessive stress on adjacent teeth. Furthermore, they'll be more prone to decay.

These are concerns that you won't have to worry about these concerns when you decide to go with dental implants. They are distinct tooth replacement options which do not require any reinforcement by natural teeth nearby because the implants made of metal are placed straight into your jawbone to provide support.

3. They help prevent the loss of bone

If the tooth is lost, the jawbone it once rested on is left without anything to hold. This is why the bone in the space will begin to deteriorate. This can lead to the loss of bone and degeneration, which can affect your jaw and facial features.

Dental implants are the sole restoration procedure that can stop bone loss and the deterioration caused by tooth loss. This is because implants will bind to the jawbones, stimulating and ensuring the health of bones.

Because dental bridges and dentures do not have posts that can be inserted within the jawbone, these devices cannot help safeguard the bones. Your jawbone could also become more prone to breaking.

4. They are durable and long-lasting

Dental implants are constructed from top-quality titanium. Therefore, they're solid and durable and wear, which means they will last for an extended period. You could have them for a long time with proper maintenance and care.

Dental bridges and dentures, however, are made to last between five and ten years. Additionally, dental bridges could often cause additional tooth loss.

Choose implants if you do not want to be burdened by having to replace your bridges and dentures often throughout your life.

5. They are simple to maintain

Dental bridges and dentures usually need a change in your oral hygiene routine. This is because the prosthetic solutions typically require special tools and equipment like bridge threaders, specific creams, and adhesives to clean and maintain.

If you've got dentures, it is necessary to soak them for a few hours every day to stop them from drying out.

When you have dental implants, you can keep to your regular dental hygiene routines to keep them clean and maintained. This involves brushing twice daily and flossing daily to preserve natural and artificial teeth in good health and look beautiful.

To ensure you're a suitable candidate to receive dental implants, you must locate an experienced dental practitioner in Dubai who specialises in this restorative procedure. Your dentist will evaluate your bones and gums to determine if they're solid and healthy enough to allow for implants.

After you have completed the evaluation, your dentist will take you through the procedure to get dental implants to ensure that you understand what you can anticipate from this procedure and determine if it's the best choice for you.

For more information about dental implants and our other teeth treatments, get in touch with our Dubai dental clinic.