It's critical to be aware of your treatment options if you're looking for a way to replace lost teeth. Finding the appropriate treatment option for you will be made easier with a better grasp of your available options. Here are five things to know if you need to replace one or more lost teeth before looking into dental bridges Lancaster ca as a possible treatment. 

1. How Do Dental Bridges Work?

A dental bridge is a frequently used dental appliance that replaces missing natural teeth with one or more artificial teeth made of porcelain or resin. A bridge is frequently referred to as a filler, fake teeth, or partial denture.

2. They Are Not a Long-Term Solution.

Dental bridges look like and work like genuine teeth, but they are not a long-term solution. The dental bridge is continuously worn once it has been inserted into the mouth and can endure regular wear and tear from speaking and eating. A dental bridge can endure between five and seven years with the right upkeep and care.

3. They Cannot Stop Bone and Gum Loss.

The bone and tissue that once supported a patient's tooth will gradually start to disintegrate since they are no longer stimulated when multiple teeth are missing. A dental bridge does less to stop this process since it is not anchored to the bone and gum the way a natural tooth is.

4. Affected Teeth Next to Each Other

The natural teeth on either side of the gap must be "prepped" to serve as supports for the bridge before it can be placed. To recontour these healthy teeth and place crowns over them as the bridge's anchors, a part of the enamel must be removed. This may need more invasive procedures than some patients are comfortable with, but it will guarantee that the final bridge is safe and reliable.

5. They are Economical and Successful

The fact that a dental bridge is less expensive than other ways to replace missing teeth is one advantage of getting one. Your dental bridge will repair the lower face's structure and the appearance of your smile. 

6. Care and Cleaning

The maintenance of a dental bridge is similar to that of your natural teeth. The American Dental Association advises daily brushing for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush. It is necessary to floss around your natural teeth when you have a bridge in addition to moving the floss between the bridge's base and the gum line. 

The best technique to clean plaque and dirt from a bridge's bottom is to floss once every day. 

Final Thoughts

The problems brought on by tooth loss cause great difficulty for many people. It might be challenging to eat, speak, and feel confident in your look if you lost a tooth or teeth due to aging, dental issues, or an accident. Dental bridges are one of the common ways to replace missing teeth, therefore at Lancaster family dentistry, we've compiled a list of the top 5 things our patients should think about before receiving one. If you are looking for dental implant treatment, then contact us today.