
Quakers, also known as the Religious Society of Friends, have a rich history and a distinct set of values that shape their way of life. With a focus on simplicity, equality, and peace, Quakers have a unique approach to spirituality. As part of their religious practices, the question arises: do Quakers wear headscarves? In this article, we will explore the role of headscarves for Quaker women, the historical context, personal preferences, and the evolving fashion trends surrounding headscarves in the UK.

Understanding Quakers:

Before delving into the topic of headscarves, it's essential to understand the Quaker community. Quakers are a Christian denomination that emerged in England in the 17th century. They emphasize direct experiences with the divine and seek spiritual guidance through collective worship and personal reflection. Quakers advocate for social justice, equality, and simplicity in all aspects of life.

Traditional Attire of Quakers:

Historically, Quakers adhered to a simple and modest dress code, reflecting their values. This attire often included plain garments made from durable materials. While head coverings were common for both men and women, the focus of this article lies on the role of headscarves specifically for Quaker women.

Headscarves and Quaker Women:

Headscarves hold significance for Quaker women in various ways. Traditionally, they have been worn as a symbol of modesty, humility, and as an outward expression of religious devotion. Quaker women chose headscarves as part of their religious practices, aligning with their belief in simplicity and plainness.

Historical Context and Cultural Practices

The tradition of wearing headscarves can be traced back to Quaker women's historical practices. It was seen as a way to cover their hair, which was considered a private and intimate part of their identity. This practice was also influenced by societal norms of the time and the belief that modesty should be upheld in dress.

Modern Practices of Quaker Women:

In modern times, the practices surrounding headscarves among Quaker women have evolved. While some Quaker women still choose to wear headscarves UK as a personal expression of their faith and adherence to their Quaker values, others have embraced more contemporary fashion trends and personal preferences.

Evolving Fashion Trends

Fashion trends have influenced the choices of Quaker women when it comes to headscarves. In today's diverse and multicultural society, Quaker women have the freedom to explore different styles, colors, and prints that resonate with their personal tastes. Headscarves and print scarves  have become an accessory that can be both fashionable and meaningful.

Choices and Personal Preferences

It's important to note that the decision to wear a headscarf among Quaker women is a personal one. Some may choose to wear it consistently, while others may wear it selectively based on specific occasions or personal convictions. Quaker women, like women from any other faith or belief system, have the agency to decide how they express their religious and cultural identities.

Headscarves as a Symbol of Modesty and Simplicity:

For those Quaker women who choose to wear headscarves, the garment holds symbolic value. It serves as a visible representation of their commitment to modesty and simplicity. By covering their hair, Quaker women aim to direct attention away from outward appearances and focus on inner qualities and character.

Practicality and Versatility of Headscarves:

Beyond symbolism, headscarves offer practicality and versatility. They can protect the hair from the elements, keeping it clean and manageable. Headscarves also provide warmth during colder seasons. Moreover, they can be styled in various ways, allowing Quaker women to express their creativity and individuality.

Headscarves for Different Occasions:

Quaker women adapt their headscarves to different occasions. For formal events, they may choose more elegant and refined headscarves that complement their attire. On a daily basis, they may opt for simpler and more casual styles that align with their active lifestyles. The versatility of headscarves allows Quaker women to effortlessly transition from one context to another.

Headscarves in the UK:

In the United Kingdom, headscarves have gained popularity among Quaker women and beyond. The fashion industry in the UK offers a wide range of headscarves, catering to different preferences and styles. Local designers and stores have embraced the demand for headscarves, recognizing the need for inclusive fashion choices.

Popularity and Fashion Trends:

Headscarves have become a fashion statement beyond religious and cultural contexts. They have garnered attention from fashion influencers and designers, who have incorporated headscarves into their collections. Quaker women in the UK have access to an array of headscarves that celebrate diversity, inclusivity, and personal style.

Local Designers and Stores:

In the UK, various designers and stores cater to the growing demand for headscarves. They offer a range of options, from traditional and plain designs to vibrant prints and contemporary styles. Quaker women, along with women from diverse backgrounds, can explore these local sources to find headscarves that resonate with their fashion sensibilities.

Styling Tips for Women's Headscarves:

When it comes to styling headscarves, there are countless possibilities. Different tying techniques can create unique looks. Quaker women can experiment with various styles, such as the turban style, the bow tie, or the classic wrap. The key is to find tying methods that suit individual face shapes, hair lengths, and personal preferences.

Complementing Outfits:

Headscarves provide an opportunity to enhance and complement outfits. Quaker women can choose headscarves that coordinate with their clothing, either by matching colors or creating contrasting combinations. This allows for a cohesive and harmonious overall look while showcasing personal style.

Choosing the Right Headscarf:

When selecting a headscarf, Quaker women should consider factors such as material, quality, size, and shape. Natural fabrics like cotton or silk are often preferred for their breathability and comfort. High-quality headscarves ensure durability and longevity. Size and shape depend on personal preference and the desired style. Quaker women should explore different options to find headscarves that meet their specific needs and preferences.

Overcoming Stereotypes and Misconceptions:

It is essential to address stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding headscarves worn by Quaker women. Some may assume that all Quaker women wear headscarves, or that it is a requirement of their faith. However, it's important to recognize that Quaker women, like individuals from any religious or cultural background, have diverse beliefs and practices. Wearing a headscarf is a personal choice and should not be generalized to the entire Quaker community.

Personal Choice and Freedom of Expression:

The decision to wear a headscarf is a deeply personal one for Quaker women. It is a reflection of their individual interpretation of their faith and their desire to express themselves. Respecting personal choices and acknowledging the freedom of expression is crucial in fostering an inclusive and understanding society.

Diversity Within Quaker Communities

Quaker communities are diverse and encompass a wide range of beliefs, practices, and interpretations. It is important to recognize and celebrate this diversity. Some Quaker women may choose to wear headscarves, while others may not. By embracing and understanding the differences within Quaker communities, we can foster unity and respect.

Embracing Cultural Diversity:

The wearing of headscarves extends beyond the Quaker community. Women from various religious, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds wear headscarves as part of their traditions and identities. Embracing cultural diversity enriches our society and promotes a sense of inclusion and mutual respect.


The question of whether Quakers wear headscarves brings us to a nuanced understanding of individual choice, cultural practices, and evolving fashion trends. While headscarves have historical and symbolic significance for some Quaker women, others may choose not to wear them. The key takeaway is that headscarves, when worn, are an expression of personal values and style. By embracing diversity and respecting individual choices, we can build a society that celebrates the richness of different cultures and beliefs.


Do all Quaker women wear headscarves?

No, the decision to wear a headscarf among Quaker women is a personal one and varies from individual to individual.

Can non-Quaker women wear headscarves?

Absolutely. Headscarves are not exclusive to any particular religious or cultural group. Women from diverse backgrounds can wear headscarves as an expression of their personal style or religious beliefs.

Where can I find fashionable headscarves in the UK?

The Modora UK offers a wide range of options for fashionable headscarves. 

Are headscarves considered a religious symbol for Quakers?

Headscarves can hold religious significance for some Quaker women, but they are not universally considered a religious symbol within the Quaker community.

How can I tie a headscarf in different styles?

There are numerous tying techniques available for headscarves, including the turban style, bow tie, and classic wrap. Exploring tutorials, guides, and experimenting with different methods will help you find the styles that suit you best.