The most crucial mineral that our body needs is calcium. It supports the body's many processes, including bone and tooth development, nerve signal reception, muscular contraction, hormone release, blood clot prevention, and keeping a regular pulse.

Regarding dietary calcium sources, everyone knows that dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese have the highest calcium content. However, you cannot eat these items if you are lactose intolerant. What, then, should you eat? Don't worry; these other foods will still provide you with a significant amount of calcium.

What do you mean by lactose intolerance?

The natural sugar in milk, lactose, might be difficult for a person with lactose intolerance to digest. Gas, bloating, and diarrhea are a few irritating symptoms that may result from this.

You can tolerate some dairy products, though it's better to experiment to find which ones. The easiest way to manage lactose intolerance is to avoid it, but you still need to increase your calcium intake.

Read The Following

1: Oatmeal

One of the most popular breakfast foods among office workers is oatmeal. This is so because it's nutrient-dense and simple to prepare. Oats are a fantastic dairy substitute since they contain minerals, including calcium. Over 200 mg of calcium can be found in about half a cup of oats.

2: Chia seeds

Chia seeds make a great oatmeal topping and have 179 mg calcium per 2 tbsp. Chia seeds go well in yogurt, salads, smoothies, and other dishes. Boron, found in chia seeds, is beneficial for bones and muscles.

3: Boost Lactose-Free Nutritional Drink

The symptoms of lactose intolerance can typically be managed by reducing lactose-containing foods. And start getting the alternatives like nutritional drink lactose-free, and consuming them in sufficient amounts.

Depending on your sensitivity to lactose, you may need to make specific dietary adjustments. Some people don't have any issues with a small bit of lactose in their diet; however, for others, even a small amount of lactose causes symptoms.

3: Soy milk

If you are allergic to dairy products, soy milk is better than dairy milk. Soy milk contains about 500 milligrams of calcium per serving. However, if you are lactose sensitive, select a product with calcium carbonate added to it.

The traditional non-dairy milk, soy milk, contains calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It has a beany flavor and a creamy, silky texture. 

It also contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cardioprotective qualities and is high in omega-3 fatty acids. The following are some advantages of soy milk:

1: High in vegetable protein.

2: Soy milk reduces cholesterol.

3: No lactose contents.

4: Improves heart health.

5: Reduces the risk of cancer.

6: Helps to reduce menopausal symptoms.

4: Sunflower seeds

Protein, good fats, and antioxidants in sunflower seeds can help lessen your chance of acquiring major illnesses. The 109 mg of calcium in one cup of sunflower seed kernels provides several health advantages.

5: Broccoli

In addition to calcium, broccoli is a good source of fiber, iron, selenium, potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as folic acid. Thus, it is good to eat broccoli if you are lactose intolerant. 

6: Vitamin D

One needs to consume adequate calcium and vitamin D to maintain bone density. When calcium and vitamin D are combined, they have several positive health effects, including reducing the risk of diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure.

For the body to absorb calcium, vitamin D is necessary. Your body starts taking calcium for the bones when you don't get enough vitamin D, which weakens the bones.

7: Sorbet

The most popular dairy product, ice cream, is consumed by many people despite them breaking from their diet plans. Try other options, like sorbet, rather than giving in to temptation.

Sorbet can significantly satisfy your after-meal dessert cravings because it is sweet and cool. The best aspect is that it has half as much lactose as ice cream while still being a dairy product.

8: Oat milk

For those with lactose intolerance, oat milk is the healthiest option besides ordinary milk. The best source of fiber and protein is oats. 

The texture of this oat milk, which is gluten-free and packed with minerals, is creamy. Among its advantages are the following:

1: Lowers cholesterol levels.

2: Great for bones.

3: Low in fat.

4: Reduces heart risk.

9: Cashew milk  

Cashew nuts and water are used to make cashew milk. It has a creamy, sweet flavor. Smoothies, coffee, and pastries benefit greatly from their thickening properties. It contains little sugar, protein, and calories. The following are some of cashew milk's greatest advantages:

1: Boosts heart health.

2: Provides good eye health.

3: It helps in the blood clotting process.

4: Reduces blood sugar levels.

5: Improves skin health.

6: Boosts immunity.

10: Almond milk 

One of the widely consumed milk varieties with numerous health advantages is almond milk. Almond milk is made by blending almonds and water, then straining the resulting liquid to remove the solid components. It has a creamy texture and a mild, nutty flavor.

People who consume a vegan diet or have lactose allergies love this milk. According to studies, whole almonds with skin provide higher health benefits than almonds without skin. 

However, many producers make almond milk with skinless almonds, which can lessen its nutritional content. The advantages of almond milk are as follows:

1: Rich in vitamin E, which promotes eye and skin health.

2: Low in sugar.

3: Low in calories.

4: Strengthens your bones.

5: Reduces heart risk.

6: High in vitamin D.

Final Words

Your body needs calcium, which is a vital mineral. Ensure that you consume enough of it each day! You have come to the correct place if you are lactose intolerant and searching for alternate calcium-rich options to meet your required daily intake of calcium. Remember the above calcium sources must be included in your daily routine if you are lactose intolerant.