Erlang is a programming language that is well-known for its ability to create robust and scalable software solutions. It was initially designed for use in the telecommunications industry, where reliability and fault tolerance are critical, but it has since been used in a variety of other applications, such as financial systems, e-commerce platforms, and social networks. With its concurrent, distributed, and fault-tolerant architecture, Erlang is an excellent choice for building high-performance and resilient systems. However, to get the most out of Erlang, it is essential to hire Erlang developers who understand the language and its nuances. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of hiring experienced Erlang developers and how they can help you build robust software solutions.

What Is Erlang?

Erlang is a programming language that was developed by Ericsson in the 1980s to build robust and fault-tolerant telecommunications systems. It is a functional programming language that is designed to handle large-scale distributed systems and concurrency. Erlang programs are made up of lightweight processes that communicate with each other through message passing. Erlang's concurrency model allows it to handle thousands of concurrent processes efficiently, making it an excellent choice for building highly scalable and fault-tolerant systems.

One of the key features of Erlang is its fault tolerance. Erlang was designed to be highly reliable and able to handle errors and failures gracefully. Erlang processes are isolated from each other, which means that if one process crashes, it does not affect the rest of the system. Erlang also has a built-in mechanism for detecting and recovering from failures, which makes it highly resilient.

Why Hire Experienced Erlang Developers?

Erlang is a unique programming language that requires a specific set of skills and knowledge to use effectively. Hiring experienced Erlang developers is essential to building robust and reliable software solutions that can handle large-scale distributed systems. Here are some of the key benefits of hiring experienced Erlang developers.

1. Expertise In The Erlang Language

Experienced Erlang developers have a deep understanding of the language and its nuances. They understand the functional programming paradigm and how to use it to build highly scalable and fault-tolerant systems. They know how to use the language's built-in concurrency and distribution mechanisms to create robust software solutions that can handle large-scale systems. They also have experience with the OTP (Open Telecom Platform) framework, which is a set of libraries and tools that are designed to make it easier to build distributed systems in Erlang.

2. Ability To Design And Architect Complex Systems

Experienced Erlang developers have the skills and knowledge to design and architect complex systems that can handle large-scale distributed systems. They understand how to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable pieces and how to design systems that can scale horizontally. They also understand how to design fault-tolerant systems that can handle errors and failures gracefully.

3. Familiarity With The Erlang Ecosystem

Experienced Erlang developers are familiar with the Erlang ecosystem, including the various libraries and tools that are available for building Erlang applications. They know how to use tools like rebar3, which is a build and dependency management tool for Erlang, and they are familiar with the various libraries that are available for building distributed systems in Erlang, such as Cowboy, which is a web server that is built on top of Erlang's concurrency model.

4. Ability To Optimize Performance

Experienced Erlang developers have the skills and knowledge to optimize the performance of Erlang applications. They understand how to profile and optimize Erlang code to make it run more efficiently. They also understand how to design systems that can handle large volumes of traffic and how to tune Erlang applications for maximum performance.

5. Ability To Collaborate And Communicate Effectively

Experienced Erlang developers have the ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with other members of the development team. They understand the importance of working together to build robust and reliable software solutions. They are able to communicate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders and are able to work effectively with project managers, designers, and other developers to deliver high-quality software solutions.


Erlang is a powerful programming language that is well-suited for building highly scalable and fault-tolerant software solutions. However, to get the most out of Erlang, it is essential to hire experienced Erlang developers who understand the language and its nuances. Experienced Erlang developers have the expertise to design and architect complex systems, optimize performance, and collaborate effectively with other members of the development team. They are essential to building robust and reliable software solutions that can handle large-scale distributed systems. If you are looking to build software solutions that can handle high volumes of traffic and that are resilient to errors and failures, then hiring experienced Erlang developers is a must.