Did you know that the total cost of work injuries in 2020 was $163.9 billion? Can you afford to have an accident in the workplace, or do you want to take proactive steps to prevent injuries in the workplace?

Ergonomic workstations can benefit your health, improve your concentration, and make your work less stressful. Creating an ergonomic workstation starts with the computer setup, but it also means improving the workplace environment.

Keep reading to learn more about how to create an ergonomic workstation that you'll love every day.

Choosing the Right Desk and Chair

The desk should include a workspace that is large enough to hold your computer. The height should be adjustable and the surface should be soft. 

An ergonomic chair should have adjustable height and flexibility, good lumbar support, and also be adjustable in terms of how far back it can tilt. 

Take Advantage of Natural Lighting

Natural light can improve visibility and reduce eye strain and fatigue. It can also help save energy and reduce the cost of energy bills. People exposed to natural light during the day feel less tense and are more energized.

It creates an ergonomic environment as it can limit glare that can cause issues such as neck strain. Position the desk close to a window to optimize the natural light and reduce the need for artificial light sources. 

Utilizing Monitor Arms and Laptop Stands

These are designed to elevate monitors and laptops to a comfortable height. Due to them, it can be possible to maintain an ergonomic seating posture with the head and neck in a neutral position.

Additionally, the height can be adjusted to suit a person’s preference. A separate laptop stand can also be used to keep the laptop at eye level. They allow the user to customize their screen placement to avoid glare and reflections.

Aiding in eye comfort and focusing the user’s attention. A proper ergonomic workplace setup is essential for proper health and comfort when using computers for long hours. Utilizing monitor arms and laptop stands is an effective way to make that possible.

Putting It All Together for an Ideal Setup

Adjust the chair to make sure it’s comfortable and the height of the desk is at the right level for an individual's arms to easily reach the keyboard, mouse, and other equipment.

Place the monitor so it’s slightly lower than eye level to prevent strain, adding an adjustable document or book holder if required. Make sure the keyboard is slightly higher than the elbow level and the mouse is at the same height as the keyboard.

Use padding to add extra cushion to the chair or desk. Use footrests or a separate chair if needed to improve circulation. Creating an ergonomic workstation in this way, will provide a comfortable workplace, reduce stress levels, and increase productivity.

Create Your Own Ergonomic Workstation

Overall, maximizing natural lighting has the power to reduce stress levels, improve productivity and help create an ergonomic workstation. As you review your workstation, it's important to consider the natural lighting available and take advantage of its full potential.

Reorganizing your desk into a workspace that naturally capitalizes on light can help set you up for success. Try it today and experience the potential benefits!

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