Tennis elbow, sometimes referred to as lateral epicondylitis, is an ailment that causes pain in the tendons on the outside of the elbow. This syndrome can be brought on by various activities or injuries, but it is frequently brought on by overuse and repetitive motions, such as those utilized in racquet sports.

Tennis elbow is a common injury that can affect anyone, including athletes and those whose jobs require them to execute repetitive actions. Tennis elbow is characterized by pain, soreness, stiffness, and weakness in the affected arm as well as symptoms in the elbow and forearm.

For tennis elbow, getting the right care is essential to reducing pain and avoiding future damage. Tennis elbow can be effectively treated with ICBC physiotherapy in Surrey because it can help to lessen pain, improve flexibility, and strengthen the muscles and tendons in the affected area. Individuals can prevent more serious consequences and resume their normal activities with less discomfort and a wider range of motion by getting the appropriate treatment.

Causes and Symptoms of Tennis Elbow

Overuse and repetitive motions: Tennis elbow is frequently brought on by overuse and repetitive movements, especially those involving the wrist and forearm. Playing racquet sports, such as tennis or squash, painting, typing, and using hand tools are among the activities that might cause tennis elbow.

Age and gender: Tennis elbow can affect anyone of any age, but adults between the ages of 30 and 50 are most likely to develop it. Men experience it more frequently than women do.

Tennis elbow symptoms and warning signs: Tennis elbow symptoms often appear gradually over time and might include:

The outside of the elbow may experience pain and soreness that spreads to the forearm and wrist.

  • Arm afflicted is weakened
  • Inflexibility in the elbow
  • Having trouble grabbing things
  • Experiencing discomfort when moving or lifting specific objects
  • increasing discomfort when bending the wrist or holding things
  • Pain that becomes worse with time

Tennis elbow can result in persistent pain and arm weakness if it is not addressed, making it challenging to carry out regular tasks. If symptoms continue or get worse, you should consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of Tennis Elbow

A physical examination and medical history: A healthcare expert will often start by gathering medical information and performing a physical examination to diagnose the tennis elbow. The doctor will check the affected arm for discomfort, soreness, and weakness throughout the examination. To assess the arm's range of motion and strength, they might also ask the subject to carry out a few exercises.

Additional diagnostic testing and imaging may occasionally be required to confirm a tennis elbow diagnosis and rule out other disorders. These tests could consist of:

X-rays: X-rays can help rule out other illnesses, like fractures or arthritis, that could result in elbow pain.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): An accurate diagnosis can be made thanks to MRI's ability to produce more precise images of the soft tissue in and around the elbow.

Ultrasound: Ultrasound can be used to examine the elbow's tendons and determine how much blood is getting to the injured area.

Overall, to correctly diagnose tennis elbow and choose the most appropriate course of treatment, a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic testing may be required.

Non-surgical Treatment of Tennis Elbow

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE): Tennis elbow is often treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), which is the first line of defense. (RICE). Reduced pain and inflammation can be achieved by giving the afflicted arm some rest and avoiding activities that might make symptoms worse. Ice can be applied to the affected area for 15-20 minutes multiple times throughout the day to help reduce swelling and relieve pain. Compression, like that provided by an elbow brace, can assist in supporting the troubled area and easing tension on the tendons. Aside from reducing edema, raising the arm above the heart level can aid in recovery.

Physical therapy and exercise: Tennis elbow can be successfully treated without surgery with physical therapy and exercise. To assist strengthen the muscles and tendons in the troubled area, increase the range of motion, and lessen pain, a physical therapist can create a customized exercise program. Stretching, eccentric strengthening, and grip-strengthening activities are all possible forms of exercise.

Medications and injections: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can assist to lessen discomfort and inflammation in the affected area. Injections are another option. In some circumstances, corticosteroid injections may be suggested to lessen pain and inflammation. Corticosteroid injections are not advised for long-term use, though, as they might weaken tendons and raise the possibility of subsequent injury.

In general, tennis elbow patients can benefit from non-surgical methods for pain relief and healing promotion. The optimum course of treatment should be chosen in collaboration with a healthcare practitioner based on each patient's unique needs and symptoms.

Surgical Tennis Elbow Treatment

Types of tennis elbow surgery: If non-surgical therapy is unsuccessful in reducing tennis elbow symptoms, surgery may be advised. Both open surgery and arthroscopic surgery are frequently used to treat tennis elbow. In open surgery, the damaged tendon is repaired or removed through a small incision on the outside of the elbow. A small camera is introduced through a very small incision in the elbow during arthroscopic surgery to observe the injured area and direct the surgical instruments.

Risks and benefits of surgery: Surgery for tennis elbow carries the same risks as any other surgical operation, including the possibility of infection, hemorrhage, nerve damage, and elbow stiffness. For those with chronic or severe tennis elbow, however, surgery can also offer important advantages like an increased range of motion and less pain.

Recovery and rehabilitation following surgery: Following surgery for tennis elbow, recovery, and rehabilitation usually entail keeping the elbow immobile for a while before gradually reintroducing mobility and strengthening exercises. To help the injured arm regain its strength and range of motion, physical treatment may also be advised. The recovery period can vary in length based on the procedure and the patient, but most people can resume their regular activities several months after surgery.

In general, surgery for tennis elbow may be required in some cases, but it is crucial to carefully weigh the risks and advantages of surgery and work closely with a healthcare provider to choose the best course of action based on individual needs and circumstances.

Prevention of Tennis Elbow

Tips for avoiding tennis elbow: People can take a number of precautions to avoid tennis elbow, such as:

  • Avoid repetitive actions and overuse that could damage the elbow tendons.
  • To prevent spending too much time doing the same thing, take frequent pauses and switch up your activities.
  • To lessen stress on the arms and elbows, keep a healthy posture and use proper body mechanics.
  • Prior to performing any physical exercise, fully warm up.
  • When participating in sports and other physical activities, use the right tools and techniques.
  • Maintaining a nutritious diet and staying hydrated will promote general musculoskeletal health.

Stretching and strengthening exercises:  Exercises for strengthening and stretching By increasing flexibility and fortifying the muscles and tendons in the arms and elbows, stretching and strengthening activities can help prevent tennis elbow. Exercises may include grip-strengthening exercises, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, forearm pronation, and supination.

Equipment and technique: Using the right tools and techniques can assist to lower the chance of developing tennis elbow. For instance, using a tennis racquet with a bigger sweet spot and lighter strings can assist to lessen the amount of vibration and shock that is sent to the arm. The elbow can also be less stressed by adopting the right tactics, such as swinging with the entire body rather than just the arm.

Overall, following preventative measures can help to lower the likelihood of getting tennis elbow and keep the musculoskeletal system healthy as a whole.


In conclusion, tennis elbow is a frequent condition brought on by overuse and repetitive motions that can cause pain and discomfort in the elbow and arm. Tennis elbow is often treated first with non-surgical methods like rest, physical therapy, and medication. Occasionally, surgical intervention may be required. Tennis elbow can be prevented with preventative measures like stretching and strengthening exercises, good technique, and the right tools.

To help with discomfort relief and stop additional harm, it is crucial to seek medical guidance and the appropriate therapy for tennis elbow. Delaying therapy can make symptoms worse and may necessitate more invasive procedures. Individuals can create a treatment plan that is customized to their own requirements and circumstances by working closely with a healthcare provider. Consider consulting physiotherapy in Surrey or a medical expert if you are suffering from tennis elbow symptoms to identify the best course of action.