Creating a website is an exciting and essential part of building an online presence for your brand or business. However, when it comes to d2c brands growth, it is not just about having a visually appealing website; it's also about ensuring that it's organized and easy to navigate. Site structure is one of the critical elements that can impact the user experience and search engine optimization (SEO) of your website.

In this blog, we'll discuss the five most common site structure mistakes and how to avoid them.

Why should you care for your site structure?

User experience:

A well-structured site helps users easily navigate through the website and find the information they are looking for. It ensures that the website is easy to use and understand, resulting in a positive user experience.

Search engine optimization:

Search engines crawl through websites to index them and rank them in search results and a website optimization expert makes sure that the website is well-synced with SEO efforts. A well-structured site with a clear hierarchy and proper use of headings, URLs, and internal linking can help search engines understand the content better, resulting in better visibility in search results.

Content organization:

A good site structure helps organize content in a logical manner, making it easier for both users and search engines to find relevant content. This can help increase engagement and reduce bounce rates.


A well-structured site is easier to update and maintain, making it more scalable as the website grows and more content is added.


A well-structured site ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can easily access the content they need. Proper use of headings, alt tags, and other accessibility features can make a website more inclusive and user-friendly.

5 site structure mistakes that you should avoid

1. Poor Navigation

Poor navigation is one of the most frustrating issues for website visitors. If your navigation is unclear or confusing, users will struggle to find the information they need, resulting in a high bounce rate and reduced engagement which can hinder the d2c brands growth.

To avoid this mistake, create a clear and straightforward navigation system that guides visitors through your website's pages. Use descriptive labels for each section or page, and organize them in a logical hierarchy that reflects the overall structure of your site.

Consider using drop-down menus or a breadcrumb trail to help visitors understand where they are on your site and how they can navigate to other pages. A search bar can also be helpful for visitors who know what they're looking for but can't find it through your navigation system.

2. Inconsistent URL Structure

A consistent URL structure is essential for both users and search engines. It helps users understand the organization of your site and can improve their ability to remember and share specific pages. For search engines, a consistent URL structure can make it easier to crawl and index your site, improving your site's visibility in search results.

To avoid this mistake, create a clear and consistent URL structure that reflects the hierarchy of your site's pages. Use descriptive and relevant keywords in your URLs to help users and search engines understand the content of each page. The expert digital marketing solution provider in this case, does not use complex, arbitrary, or excessively long URLs so that both the users and the search engines don’t get confused.

3. Not Optimizing for Mobile

In today's mobile-first world, it's essential to have a website that is optimized for mobile devices. Mobile optimization means that your website is designed to be easily accessible and readable on smaller screens. Not optimizing for mobile can result in a poor user experience and a lower ranking in mobile search results.

To avoid this mistake, ensure that your d2c process website is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes. Use a mobile-friendly design that prioritizes readability, simplicity, and accessibility. Consider using larger fonts, simplified navigation, and touch-friendly buttons that make it easy for users to interact with your site on a mobile device.

4. Overcomplicating the Design

While a visually stunning website can be appealing, overcomplicating the design can lead to a confusing user experience. Busy layouts, too many images, and complex navigation can overwhelm visitors and make it challenging to find the information they're looking for.

To avoid this mistake, focus on creating a clean and simple design that highlights your content and makes it easy for users to navigate. Use whitespace to separate different elements and create a sense of balance and harmony. Limit the use of images and graphics to those that are relevant and add value to your content. Use clear and concise headings and subheadings to organize your content and guide visitors through your site.

5. Ignoring Page Speed

Page speed is a crucial factor for the d2c brands growth as their website is the hero of their process. A slow-loading website can lead to higher bounce rates and lower search engine rankings.

To avoid this mistake, optimize your website's images, use caching and compression techniques, and choose a reliable hosting provider. Use a content delivery network (CDN) to reduce server response time and improve page load speed. Minimize the use of JavaScript and other scripts that can slow down your site's performance. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to monitor and improve your site's loading speed.


In conclusion, avoiding these common site structure mistakes can help you create a website that is easy to navigate, optimized for search engines, and provides an excellent user experience. Remember to prioritize simplicity, consistency, and functionality in your site's design and structure. By doing so, you can create a website that engages and delights visitors, help you achieve your business goals, and stands out.

To help you with your d2c brands growth, you can collaborate with an agency like Design Process, which is a dedicated d2c growth studio working dedicatedly for online businesses and acquiring markets smoothly.

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