Financial management is about the effective use of money for business operations. It involves using accounting and financial reporting to monitor and control cash flow, manage risks and make informed decisions. Financial management includes budgeting, monitoring cash flows, recording transactions, and analyzing financial statements. All these activities help monitor performance, gauge risk levels, allocate capital efficiently, and identify areas of improvement. Financial management also helps keep track of expenses and revenue streams coming into the business so that you can avoid having a negative balance on your checking account or not having enough money to pay suppliers when they send their invoices. But, managing all the financial data to plans and strategies is difficult. It is a complicated task that requires expertise, and you can hire a virtual CFO to help you with it. In this article, we will explain what financial management is, why financial management is important, and the key elements of effective financial management to help you improve your own company’s financial management processes. 

What is Financial Management? 

Financial management is the process that ensures your organization has the financial resources (e.g., cash, investments) it needs to thrive. It includes not only financial planning and decision-making but also the actual execution of those plans through budgeting, forecasting, investing, monitoring performance, and taking corrective actions when needed. The goal of financial management is to create value by deploying financial resources to generate positive returns. Financial resources can come in the form of existing cash and investments and new financing sources to grow the business. Financial management is the responsible use of funds to achieve organizational goals. It ensures that your company can access the cash it needs to operate, grow, and be profitable. It also helps you avoid excessive risk through effective risk management. 

Why is Financial Management Important? 

Financial management means being financially healthy, growing, and remaining profitable. It is about having the right amount of cash, the right mix of investments, and the ability to raise additional financing when needed. And it is about making smart decisions about using those resources to maximize value creation. Financial management is important because it enables you to understand your company’s financial health and the environment in which it operates. It allows you to identify areas for improvement and take corrective actions if needed. The result is that you have better decision-making and more confidence in the business. Financial management also enables you to raise additional financing when needed. CFOs help in making these financial management decisions to help your business. You can hire an in-house CFO or a virtual CFO service to assist you with making strategies and decisions for better cash flow and financial management. 

Though financial management is important, the basic function it is based on is also crucial, i.e., bookkeeping. For efficient financial management, you need accurate financial statements and reports, dependent on the bookkeeping records prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to have accurate bookkeeping. You can handle your business bookkeeping on your own or with the help of an in-house bookkeeper. But you will be required to invest your time, money, and resources in doing it this way. To prevent extra spending, you can hire help from outsourced bookkeeping services for small businesses. They help you efficiently handle your records while freeing up your time to focus on business growth. 

Benefits of Effective Financial Management 

Strong financial management can enable you to create more value, enable more impact, and take advantage of new opportunities. Here are some benefits of effective financial management:  

  1. Better Understanding of Your Business: Financial management helps you gain insights into the financial health of your organization, key performance indicators (KPIs), and the business environment in which your company operates. This understanding enables you to make better decisions, reduce risk, and increase confidence in the business. 
  2. Better Decision-Making: Financial management enables you to make better decisions because you have more reliable and accurate information. You have information about your cash flow, the financial resources available to the business, and the impact of your decisions on the business. 
  3. Increased Revenue Opportunities: Your business can raise more capital from investors and generate more cash from operations. This can help you fund new projects, grow your business, and diversify sources of income. 
  4. Reduced Risk: Your company has fewer cash flow issues, is less likely to go out of business and makes better decisions about using its financial resources. This enables your organization to take advantage of new opportunities and continue operating even during challenging economic times. 

Key Activities in Financial Management 

Today’s businesses are complex and require a strategic approach that is centered on thinking about the business rather than operating in it. In this context, finance management strategies become critically important for any organization to thrive and succeed. Financial management is not just about managing money but also involves making informed decisions regarding allocating financial resources to drive value creation and business growth. Financial management entails adopting accounting, reporting, and control systems that drive transparency, consistency, reliability, and efficiency throughout your business operations. To achieve these benefits, there are numerous financial management activities that an in-house CFO or a virtual CFO performs. Here are some of the key activities in financial management: -  

  • Budgeting: Establishing and maintaining budgets is a core activity in financial management. It enables you to forecast your future cash flow (including income and expenses), identify potential issues, and take corrective actions as needed.  
  • Forecasting: Forecasting is the process of predicting how your organization will perform in the future. It enables you to identify issues early, make better decisions, and take corrective actions if needed.  
  • Investing: Investing is the process of acquiring assets that generate future cash flows (e.g., stocks, bonds, real estate). It can help your company grow and diversify its sources of income.  
  • Monitoring Performance: Monitoring performance is the ongoing process of measuring the performance of your key business drivers. It helps you understand how your decisions impact the business and take corrective actions if needed.  
  • Taking Corrective Actions: Taking corrective actions is essential to financial management. This is the process of identifying issues, deciding on the best course of action, and taking the required actions.  
  • Raising Additional Financing: Financial management helps you identify sources of financing and takes advantage of new opportunities. It also helps you manage the associated risk. 

Bottom line 

Financial management is the process of monitoring and controlling company assets so that they are used efficiently and cost-effectively. When it comes to running a business, you need to be able to handle everything. This includes making sure you have a steady cash flow, maintaining excellent bookkeeping practices, and keeping track of all your company’s financial information in general. Keeping track of your company’s finances is one of the most important tasks for an entrepreneur or business owner. It may seem like something that is not that necessary, but actually knowing where your money is going will help you be more profitable in the long run. 


As you can see, financial management is essential to running any business. It enables you to create more value, take advantage of new opportunities, and stay financially healthy. Strong financial management makes your business better positioned to weather challenging economic times. However, managing business financials on your own or with the help of in-house personnel is hectic and time-consuming. So, you can outsource the business’s finance function by hiring bookkeeping services for small businesses, accounting outsourcing services, outsourced CFO, etc. While outsourcing, the most important thing to remember is that you should choose a service provider that best matches your needs. The quality of your books and the services you receive depend on the service provider’s skill, expertise, and experience.