As you can imagine, there are hundreds of thousands of apps available to download, and even more in the works right now! How do you stand out in this crowded market? You have to go where others aren’t going to follow, that’s how! Here are the top five app development trends you need to know if you want your apps to remain relevant in 2022 and beyond.

1. Adaptive Layout

One major trend that can be expected in the coming years is adaptive layout. The new approach to UI design will require apps built on an Apple’s newest software, macOS Sierra, but it should be in all versions of iOS by 2020. This trend aims to work around the problem where screen sizes have been inconsistent since smartphones first came into vogue. With adaptive layout, graphics change as you shift from landscape orientation to portrait orientation and all the different ways one can turn their device in a space like a car or on public transportation. It’s a brilliant solution that helps keep apps responsive and user-friendly no matter what kind of device you happen to use it on.

2. Data Delivery Networks

Data Delivery Networks (D3N) take advantage of mobile cellular networks that have capacities vastly exceeding a typical Wi-Fi connection. A D3N is similar to a CDN in that it reduces the number of connections needed between content servers and end users. There are several D3N implementations: active D3Ns, passive D3Ns, and Hybrid D3Ns. Active D3Ns transmit data on behalf of the application by caching downloaded content from a nearby content server. This eliminates the need for connections between end users and the remote content server, which can reduce latency if implemented properly. On mobile devices with limited battery life this could be an important enhancement since LTE has higher transmission capacity than Wi-Fi networks. Passive D3Ns rely on existing caching mechanisms offered by carriers or internet service providers. They differ from traditional CDNs in that they store cached content at the device level instead of at a centralized location. 

When enabled, they do not require any additional bandwidth because there is no transfer of data from the user’s device back to the content provider’s server during normal usage.

3. Progressive Web Apps

After launching PWAs in Chrome on Android and desktop back in December of 2018, PWAs were finally enabled on iOS in March of 2019. With this being the first major release, there are already several limitations for PWAs on iOS- like a lack of offline support and inability to receive push notifications- that are hindering its use cases. However, by 2022 Google has expressed that they hope to have progressive web apps work like native apps, meaning these limitations will likely be resolved.

Apple's newest operating system was released a few weeks ago with a host of new features that are sure to take over our iPhones! Apple unveiled their new operating system at their annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Jose California.

4. Mobile Payments

Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is the act of automating a business process by way of robotics. Historically, automation was thought of as machine-controlled machines and industrial robots; today's tech savvy entrepreneurs are finding new and innovative ways to automate their processes with software robots. In 2020 alone, Gartner predicts that over 2 billion hours per week will be saved through RPA. This trend is not just limited to business operations such as compliance and auditing but can also be used in personal tasks such as home management through the use of bots like Jarvis from Iron Man.

5. RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the idea of automation being done by robots and computers, without human input. Essentially, it's a middle-man between a machine and a person. The process of automating an event can be created by coding software in order to complete repetitive tasks. Such as: completing social media work, scheduling events, or sending bulk emails. RPA has many benefits which include faster processing time and less errors from workers when utilizing these processes.

Final Note

Hire UI/UX design agency in India, they will guide you with the interface and usability design on your app. For example, if you have a website then hire one of these agencies to help optimize the content on your site and make it more mobile-friendly. If you are looking for a website design agency in Bangalore that specializes in web development and web design, contact us.