Social stories are a powerful tool for parents and educators who are looking to support children with special needs. Social stories can help children understand social situations, relationships, and expectations in a way that is tailored to their unique learning needs. In this article, we will explore what social stories are, how they work, and how they can be used to support children with special needs.

What are Social Stories?

Social stories are short narratives that are designed to help children understand and navigate social situations. These stories are typically written in a simple and direct style that is easy for children to understand. They often include pictures or other visual aids to help illustrate the key points.

The purpose of social stories is to help children understand social situations and expectations that might otherwise be confusing or overwhelming. For example, a social story might be used to help a child understand how to greet a new friend, how to ask for help when they are feeling overwhelmed, or how to cope with changes in their routine.

How do Social Stories Work?

Social stories work by presenting information in a way that is tailored to the child's learning needs. The stories are designed to be easy to understand, and they often use repetition and visual aids to help reinforce key concepts. The stories may also include prompts or questions that encourage the child to reflect on their own experiences and feelings.

The goal of social stories is to help children develop skills and strategies for navigating social situations. By presenting information in a clear and accessible way, social stories can help children feel more confident and capable in social settings.

Using Social Stories for Children with Special Needs

Social stories can be particularly useful for children with special needs, who may struggle with social interactions and communication. For example, social stories can be used to help children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) understand social cues and expectations. They can also be used to help children with ADHD develop strategies for managing their behavior in social situations.

When using social stories with children with special needs, it is important to tailor the stories to the child's unique needs and learning style. This may involve incorporating visual aids or simplifying language to make the story more accessible.

  • Social stories can be used for a wide range of social situations, including greeting others, sharing, taking turns, following rules, and managing emotions. They can be used to teach new skills or to reinforce existing ones.
  • Social stories can be customized to fit the unique needs and experiences of each child. For example, a social story about going to the dentist can be tailored to a child's specific fears or concerns.
  • Social stories can be created using a variety of materials, such as books, videos, or digital media. They can also be created collaboratively with the child, allowing them to contribute their own ideas and experiences.
  • Social stories can be used in a variety of settings, including schools, therapy sessions, and at home. They can also be used as part of a larger support plan that includes other strategies and interventions.
  • When using social stories, it is important to provide opportunities for the child to practice and apply the skills they have learned. This can help to reinforce the concepts presented in the social story and build confidence in the child's ability to navigate social situations.
  • Social stories can be used in combination with other interventions, such as social skills groups, peer mentoring programs, or individual therapy. When used in conjunction with other strategies, social stories can be an effective tool for promoting social and emotional development in children with special needs.
  • Social stories are not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not be effective for all children with special needs. It is important to work with a qualified professional to develop a support plan that is tailored to the child's specific needs and goals.
  • Social stories can be used to help children prepare for new experiences or transitions. For example, a social story can be used to help a child understand what to expect when starting a new school or moving to a new home.
  • Social stories can be used to help children understand their own feelings and the feelings of others. This can help children develop empathy and build positive relationships with others.
  • Social stories can be used to reinforce positive behaviors and to help children understand the consequences of negative behaviors. This can help children develop self-regulation skills and make positive choices in social situations.
  • When creating social stories, it is important to use language that is age-appropriate and culturally sensitive. Social stories should also be written in a positive and empowering tone that encourages children to take an active role in their own learning and development.
  • Social stories can be an effective tool for promoting inclusion and diversity. By highlighting different cultures, abilities, and perspectives, social stories can help children develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them.
  • When using social stories, it is important to provide ongoing support and feedback to the child. This can help to reinforce the concepts presented in the social story and ensure that the child is making progress towards their goals.
  • Social stories can be a valuable tool for promoting positive mental health and well-being in children with special needs. By promoting self-awareness, self-regulation, and positive relationships, social stories can help children build resilience and thrive in social situations.


Social stories can be a valuable tool for supporting children with special needs. By providing clear and accessible information about social situations and expectations, social stories can help children feel more confident and capable in social settings. When used in conjunction with other strategies and interventions, social stories can be an effective tool for promoting social and emotional development in children with special needs. In our Delhi centre, we are offering best social groups for kids, Communication groups.