Do you love the look of your windows after they've been detailed by a professional company, but hate the way they get dirty between cleanings? There seems to always be one window that, no matter how many times you call a professional, it won't stay clean.

Doing your own touch-ups using household cleaning solutions won't take the place of a professional cleaning service, but in the meantime, they can keep you satisfied with the condition of your windows.

Keeping your creative window decoration in sparkling condition is not as difficult as it seems and can be made easier when you follow these twenty useful hacks.

Remember that these tips are to be used for internal cleaning only. Always leave hard-to-reach windows that require a ladder for professionals. As nice as it is to have clean windows, it's not worth sacrificing your safety for the sake of it.

20 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Your Windows

20 Easy Window Cleaning Hacks

Using Windex or Ammonia-Based Cleaners:

Avoid using Windex or cleaners with ammonia on your windows, as they can leave streaks and damage certain types of glass.

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Cleaning in Direct Sunlight:

Cleaning windows in direct sunlight causes the cleaning solution to dry too quickly, leaving streaks behind. Opt for cloudy days or tackle the task early in the morning or late in the evening.

Skipping the Dusting:

Neglecting to dust the window sills, frames, and screens before cleaning can lead to dirt and debris transferring onto the glass.

Using Dirty Tools:

Ensure your squeegees, microfiber cloths, and scrubbing pads are clean before starting. Dirty tools will only spread dirt and grime around.

Overusing Cleaning Solution:

Using too much cleaning solution can lead to excess residue and streaks. A little goes a long way; start with a small amount and add more if needed.

Not Using Distilled Water:

Tap water contains minerals that can leave streaks on windows. Opt for distilled water for a streak-free finish.

Ignoring Window Tracks:

Clean the window tracks and sills thoroughly before cleaning the glass. Dirt and grime in these areas can transfer to the windows during cleaning.

Using Newspapers:

While a common cleaning hack, newspapers can leave ink residue on windows, especially if they are colored or printed.

Using Harsh Scrubbers:

Avoid using abrasive scrubbers or steel handicraft wool on windows, as they can scratch and damage the glass.

Not Rinsing Properly:

Always rinse the windows thoroughly after cleaning to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Residue left behind will dry and create streaks.

Using Fabric Softener Sheets:

While they may seem like a good idea, fabric softener sheets can leave a waxy residue on windows, attracting dirt and dust.

Neglecting Window Screens:

Clean window screens separately using a vacuum or gentle brush to remove dirt and debris before reinstalling them.

Using Vinegar on Hard Water Stains:

While vinegar is effective for many cleaning tasks, it may not be strong enough to remove tough hard water stains. Opt for a commercial cleaner designed for this purpose.

Not Drying the Squeegee:

After each pass with the squeegee, wipe the blade with a clean, dry cloth to prevent streaks.

Using a Circular Motion:

Avoid using a circular motion when cleaning windows, as it can leave streaks. Instead, opt for vertical or horizontal strokes.

Using Paper Towels:

While convenient, paper towels can leave lint behind on windows. Opt for microfiber cloths or newspaper for a streak-free finish.

Not Checking for Leaks:

Ensure there are no leaks in your cleaning tools, such as spray bottles or buckets. Leaks can lead to streaks and water spots on windows.

Ignoring Window Edges:

Pay attention to the edges of the windows, as dirt and grime tend to accumulate in these areas. Use a detailed brush or cotton swab to clean thoroughly.

Not Drying Windows Completely:

Allow windows to air dry or use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to ensure they are completely dry. Wet windows will attract dirt and dust.

Using a Dirty Bucket:

If using a bucket for your cleaning solution, make sure it is clean and free of dirt, debris, or residue from previous cleanings.


By avoiding these common mistakes when cleaning your windows, you can achieve streak-free, crystal-clear glass that enhances the beauty of your home. Remember to take your time, use the right tools and techniques, and pay attention to detail for professional-quality results. With these tips in mind, you'll be able to enjoy sparkling windows that let the sunshine in and elevate the overall appearance of your living spaces.