Building an e-commerce business can be challenging because there are many things you need to consider. However, this doesn't automatically mean you're destined to fail.

If your online business implements strategic planning from the start, you're off to a good start.

While no business is perfect and building an e-commerce company is hard work, you can ensure that the time, energy, and effort you put into it doesn't go to waste. How? By learning about the possible pitfalls you may face and how to dodge them.

In this article, you'll learn the mistakes you need to watch out for when building your e-commerce business and how to avoid them.

1. Inefficient shipping processes

Unlike brick-and-mortar retailers, where customers can simply pop in to pick up merchandise, e-commerce businesses rely on efficient shipping processes to fulfill orders and meet customer demands. 

If your shipping processes are not up to the task, your online business will suffer from a loss of revenue caused by poor customer experience.

Good delivery services depend on several key factors, including effective communication, accurate data management, and alert tracking. A shipping automation system can solve these issues and more.

Once a sales order is placed, this e-commerce business solution triggers a process that immediately works to fulfill the customer's order effectively. You don't need to worry about shipping inefficiencies or missteps due to inaccurate data management.

Shoring up inefficiencies in the shipping processes ensures your customers remain happy. Remember: A happy customer is a loyal customer.

2. No strategy for business growth

Many companies have plans to grow their business, but few have a strategy in place for ready implementation. And with an ERP solution in place, implementing a growth strategy is easier at best. Roadblocks like limited access to real-time data and a lack of visibility on business performance for key metrics make it difficult to determine the right growth strategy.

ERP software eliminates such hindrances to your business growth. ERP provides real-time analytics and reporting, allowing you to run your business more effectively and efficiently. Its ability to increase business insights empowers your business to determine the right course of action for business growth.

Identifying new opportunities for growth keeps your business sustainable and fosters a competitive advantage against your competitors.

3. No mobile-optimized e-commerce site

The advent and popularity of smartphones mean e-commerce businesses must cater to mobile phone users. Failing to do so risks a significant reduction in site traffic and business revenue. If your e-commerce site is not optimized for a mobile experience, you must act fast.

With mobile e-commerce apps dominating the industry, you have two options:

  • Optimize your website for mobile
  • Build an online store on Amazon

Between these two, learning how to create your brand store on Amazon is the more straightforward way to tackle this pitfall. Not only do you gain access to tons of tools for various aspects of your business, but you also benefit from the reputation this e-commerce platform already has.

4. Not engaging in social media

As social media becomes increasingly enmeshed in how consumers interact with businesses, e-commerce businesses must utilize these platforms to their advantage.

The average person spends nearly two hours a day browsing on social media. E-commerce businesses can take advantage of this to boost their brand's potential.

Moreover, social media can also help deliver high-quality customer service to increase market share and drive revenue growth.

You can maximize existing social media tools or use marketing software that can extend special offers to prospective and existing customers on social media. These tools can help you with various aspects of the business, including personalizing content for targeted marketing, building valuable relationships to generate leads and, ultimately, increasing sales.

5. Not A/B testing or measuring

Also called split testing, A/B testing refers to the process of providing half of your audience base an alternate version of your e-commerce business to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the differentiating variables. 

Testing is done to determine what variables of the e-commerce site can be further optimized to achieve a higher conversion rate. Some on-page elements A/B tested for higher conversion rates include calls to action, the navigation structure, and the checkout process.

A/B testing helps your business avoid unnecessary risks, allowing your site to use your resources to maximum effect and get results efficiently.

Only Smooth Sailing Ahead

Many online businesses spend a lot of time brainstorming the best way to increase their sales performance. Solutions are readily available when trying to reduce margins or spend more. However, knowing how to tackle potential problems before they get big enough to sink the e-commerce business is just as important.

Set your e-commerce business up for a smooth voyage. Take these lessons to heart and chart a course toward success for your e-commerce enterprise.