A podiatrist can provide you with specialized care, personalized treatment plans, and resources to maintain optimal foot health and function. Regular visits to a podiatric physician help identify and address foot issues before they escalate into more serious problems. Here are five reasons to visit a foot and ankle institute:

1. Heel Pain

Various factors, including overuse injuries, biomechanical issues, inflammatory conditions, or structural abnormalities, cause heel pain. Conditions like plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, and heel spurs contribute to significant heel pain and discomfort. Podiatrists diagnose the cause of heel pain through physical examination, X-rays, or ultrasound and assess the patient's medical history and lifestyle factors.

After diagnosis, these professionals recommend footwear with adequate cushioning and arch support to manage pressure on the heel and promote comfort during daily activities. For severe inflammation and pain, corticosteroid injections can provide temporary relief by reducing swelling and irritation around the affected area. Orthotic inserts provide support, cushioning, and proper alignment to the foot, reducing excessive stress on the heel and fostering healing. Stretching routines address tightness in the calf muscles, Achilles tendon, and plantar fascia, reducing strain on the heel and improving flexibility.

2. Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails develop when the edge of a toenail grows into the nearby skin, causing inflammation, redness, and infection. Podiatrists assess the extent of nail penetration, the presence of infection, and contributing factors, including improper nail trimming, footwear choices, or underlying nail deformities. By trimming ingrown toenails and removing embedded tissue or debris, podiatric physicians reduce discomfort and facilitate healing.

If there's an infection, they may prescribe antibiotics to clear the infection and prevent spreading. For mild cases of ingrown toenails, conservative measures such as regular soaking and wearing open-toed shoes control recurrence. Foot doctors also recommend techniques, such as trimming nails straight across rather than curved, to prevent future ingrowth.

3. Sports Injuries

A podiatrist at a foot and ankle institute diagnoses and treats injuries, including sprains, strains, stress fractures, and plantar fasciitis. The professional can recommend rest, ice, compression, and elevation for acute injuries such as sprains and strains to reduce pain and swelling. They also prescribe a customized rehabilitation program entailing exercises to improve strength and flexibility, aiding in recovery and preventing re-injury.

For severe sprains or fractures, immobilizing the foot or ankle with a brace, cast, or walking boot promotes healing. Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or pain relievers help alleviate pain and inflammation associated with sports injuries. In some cases, minimally invasive procedures such as arthroscopy can repair damaged tissues or remove debris within the joint.

4. Diabetes-related Foot Issues

People with diabetes are at risk of developing foot complications due to nerve damage and poor circulation. Podiatrists inspect the skin, nails, foot structure, sensation, circulation, and foot biomechanics. They also check for signs of potential problems such as cuts, wounds, blisters, calluses, ingrown toenails, corns, and fungal infections.

For foot ulcers, podiatric physicians remove dead tissue, reduce pressure, and apply advanced dressings to promote healing. These professionals educate people with diabetes about the necessity of foot care and self-management techniques to minimize complications. They guide patients on proper foot hygiene, nail care, and seeking prompt medical attention for injury or infection.

5. Foot Deformities

Conditions like bunions, hammertoes, and flat feet cause discomfort and affect mobility. Podiatrists diagnose bunions by evaluating the alignment of the big toe joint and assessing symptoms such as pain and inflammation. Specific exercises and stretches can strengthen foot muscles and improve joint flexibility, reducing discomfort.

Hammertoe symptoms include abnormal bending or curvature of the toe joints, causing pain, corns, calluses, or difficulty fitting into shoes. For a severe deformity or persistent symptoms, surgery can realign the toe joints and release tight ligaments or tendons. Symptoms of flat feet include foot pain, swelling along the inside of the ankle, and difficulty standing. Supportive shoes with firm midsoles and arch support can help stabilize the feet and alleviate symptoms.

Book an Appointment at a Foot and Ankle Institute

Podiatrists offer diagnostic testing, conservative treatments such as physical therapy and orthotics, plus surgical interventions. These services can help manage symptoms, prevent complications, and improve your quality of life. If you have underlying foot issues, book an appointment at a foot and ankle institute for help.