After landing a “dream” job in a reputable organization, what would be your goals? Most individuals aim to not only have a luxurious lifestyle but also be progressive in their careers. What does this mean? Besides considering undertaking part-time classes, personal dedication to job responsibilities and duties are necessary. However, some hardly achieve their professional goals because of burnout. This state of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion stem from work-related stresses. Since burnout reduces output per worker and, consequently, organizational productivity, this article has compiled strategies that employees can use to remain focused.

How to recover from burnout and protect your mental health 

1. Engage in fun activities 

How do employees spend their weekends? Some remain occupied on Saturdays and Sundays to meet deadlines for work projects. Others opt to take care of their children or complete households. Although you might consider yourself productive or able to balance work-life responsibilities, foregoing fun might adversely affect your general well-being. In particular, your mind might shut down to the extent of making errors on the job. So, how will fun protect you from burnout and mental exhaustion? 

Ideally, engaging in activities you like stimulate your body to release eustress. This positive type of stress helps a person to feel alive. Therefore, consider going to a concert or ice skating rather than working on weekends for general well-being.

2. Have enough sleep

How long do you rest? Depending on the type of job, some work at night or during the day. Regardless of your job hours, you must allocate adequate time for sleeping. What does this mean? It would be best for an employee to avoid sleep deprivation and oversleeping. Nurses should prioritize taking a nap at the workplace upon getting an opportunity. What is more, they should only accept job offers with at least two days off per week because of their long working hours and high workload. Nurses can capitalize on this time to get enough sleep and recover from burnout. Other benefits would reduce their likelihood of developing anxiety, depression, and exhaustion. 

3. Decide on a routine for improving physical and mental health

Since stress is inevitable in human life, it would be best if you establish a structure for managing it. The importance of having a well-crafted routine concerns developing a sense of control in your life. In this case, an employee must establish a framework for executing workplace responsibilities and self-care. For instance, you should never starve yourself because of workload. What does this mean? As you dedicate your time to work, take a break to eat, as carbs are obligatory for the secretion of serotonin. This feel-good hormone necessitates recovery from burnout. Ultimately, it should be a balanced diet for healthy growth and development. 

4. Use mental health resources 

How many companies offer psychological help to employees? Does your employer provide similar services? Ideally, you might be even unsure if your organization should provide mental health resources to workers. According to, the number of employers offering professional psychological help has increased to about 64% from 32%. Most of these organizations provide personalized guidance for burnout recovery. A notable example is, which reduces mental exhaustion attributable to high workload and strict deadlines.

5. Accept teamwork

While some individuals might feel entitled to “know-how” of completing some tasks, they might consider collaboration a waste of time. What does this mean? These types of employees tend to seclude themselves. However, some organizational tasks are sequential. A notable example entails a company responsible for packaging and branding. In this case, the entire production stops if one employee with “know-how” in the conveyor belt does not come to work because of sickness or other reasons. The company might obligate a specific worker to undertake his or her responsibilities. Still, due to a lack of intellectual stimulation, he or she might spend a lot of mental and physical input. The designated employer to new tasks would definitely feel burnout just because the “know-how” personnel never embraced teamwork. 

6. Embrace a flexible working schedule

What are the key occupational qualifications employers look for during recruitment? Some of them include innovation and being tech-savvy. After landing the job, you should demonstrate these qualities and attributes for promotion. In this case, how can you exhibit these competencies?

Ideally, you might request or submit a comprehensive report on implementing virtual teams. In the write-up, you must demonstrate the advantage or importance of working at home. Some companies might be implementing virtual teams or have existing structures. You should embrace the corporate restructuring in place since it will save the hustle of commuting. An employer can utilize the extra hours for personal growth and complete assigned tasks on time.

7. Attend training

Why do people feel frustrated in their work? One of the primary reasons concerns the inability to create solutions to emerging problems. For instance, a nurse might feel overwhelmed if he or she cannot handle different medical issues in the hospital. What could be the solution to this challenge?

Although experience is significant, a nurse should constantly undertake training like any other worker. The importance of professional development concerns helping them to spend less mental and physical input in executing tasks. Therefore, employment should never mark the end of your studies. 

8. Communicate your feelings

One of the reasons for some people having mental instability is not talking. Your colleagues or manager might assist you in overcoming work-related stress. Take an example of frequently failing to meet the deadline for a work project. If you inform your manager, he or she might match your competencies and interests with specific tasks. This solution would enable you to meet deadlines and protect yourself from mental exhaustion.


Since living in a world without mental stress and burnout is impossible, everyone should know how to protect themselves. Workers should ensure their job responsibilities do not undermine their general well-being. Occasionally, consult or preview your mental help resources to stay healthy and happy.