Private revelations have played a significant role in the spiritual lives of many Catholics throughout history. These personal messages, visions, and insights from the divine are often seen as a source of guidance and comfort. However, the Catholic Church is careful in its approach to private revelations, emphasizing the need for discernment and caution. For faithful Catholics, discerning the authenticity of private revelations is of paramount importance. 

In this article, we will explore the criteria and principles that guide the discernment process and shed light on how Catholics can navigate this complex terrain.

The Nature of Private Revelations

Private revelations, as understood in the Catholic tradition, are extraordinary manifestations of God's will or insight granted to an individual or a group of people. They are distinct from public revelations, which are foundational to the faith and are contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition. While private revelations are not binding on the universal Church's faith and practice, they can provide spiritual assistance and guidance.

Historically, private revelations have been an essential part of Catholic spirituality. Prominent examples include St. Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata, St. Bernadette Soubirous' encounters with the Virgin Mary at Lourdes, and the messages of Fatima. These events have had a profound impact on the lives of those who experienced them and, often, on the Church as a whole.

The Church's Role in Discernment

The Catholic Church, being the guardian of the faith, has a crucial role in discerning the authenticity of private revelations. The Church recognizes that not all reported private revelations are genuine, and she exercises careful discernment to protect the faithful from potential deception or confusion.

The discernment process typically begins at the diocesan level. A local bishop or his designated representative investigates the claimed private revelation. This process is thorough and rigorous, involving theological, doctrinal, and moral scrutiny. The criteria for discernment are based on the church's guidelines and traditions and include evaluating the personal holiness of the visionary, the content of the messages, and the impact on the faithful.

If the local bishop finds the revelation to be in harmony with the faith and not causing harm to the faithful, he may give it his approval. However, even if a private revelation receives this initial endorsement, it does not become a dogmatic or mandatory belief. It remains a matter of personal devotion, and Catholics are not obliged to accept it.

Criteria for Discernment

For faithful Catholics who wish to discern the authenticity of a private revelation, several key criteria are essential. These criteria can provide a solid foundation for evaluating the supernatural claims:

  1. Doctrinal Consistency: One of the primary criteria is whether the content of the revelation is consistent with Catholic doctrine and teachings. Private revelations cannot contradict the deposit of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition. If the messages promote ideas or practices that are incompatible with Catholic teaching, they are more likely to be deemed inauthentic.
  1. Fruits and Conversion: Authentic private revelations should bear good fruit, leading to increased faith, holiness, and conversion. If a revelation fosters genuine spiritual growth and leads individuals to deeper prayer, repentance, and charity, it is more likely to be considered genuine. Conversely, if it causes division, confusion, or sensationalism, it raises concerns.
  1. Humility and Obedience: A true visionary often demonstrates a spirit of humility and obedience to ecclesiastical authority. If the person claiming to receive private revelations is obstinate or resistant to the guidance of the Church, this may be a red flag.
  1. Miracles and Signs: Miraculous occurrences and signs, when properly documented and verified, can support the authenticity of a private revelation. However, these should be carefully examined, as the mere presence of miracles does not necessarily validate the entirety of the messages.
  1. Duration and Consistency: The duration of the alleged revelations and the consistency of the messages over time are significant factors. True private revelations often occur over an extended period, with a coherence in the messages, while fabricated revelations might change or contradict themselves.
  1. Prayer and Discernment: Personal discernment is crucial for the faithful. Catholics should approach private revelations with prayer, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and consult spiritual directors or priests for counsel.
  1. Ecclesiastical Approval: The imprimatur or formal approval from the local bishop, if granted, provides a level of assurance that the private revelation is not contrary to the faith. While it does not guarantee infallibility, it signifies that the Church has not found any doctrinal errors or harm in the messages.

Examples of Authentic Private Revelations

Throughout Catholic history, some private revelations have received Church approval and have been widely accepted by the faithful. These serve as examples of how authentic private revelations can contribute to the spiritual life of the Church:

  1. Lourdes: The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France, in 1858, have received widespread recognition. The messages included calls to prayer and penance, and the site has become a place of pilgrimage and healing.
  1. Fatima: The apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, are among the most famous private revelations in modern times. The messages emphasized prayer, penance, and the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  1. Divine Mercy: The private revelations to St. Faustina Kowalska in the early 20th century, culminating in the Divine Mercy devotion, have been approved by the Church. These revelations stress God's infinite mercy and the importance of trust in Jesus.
  1. St. Padre Pio: The stigmata and other mystical experiences of St. Padre Pio are considered authentic private revelations. His life and teachings have inspired countless individuals to deepen their faith.

These examples show that authentic private revelations, when properly discerned and approved by the Church, can have a significant impact on the spiritual life of the faithful and the broader Catholic community.

Challenges and Caution

While private revelations can be a source of inspiration and spiritual growth, they also pose challenges and potential pitfalls. One of the most significant challenges is the proliferation of unapproved revelations in the modern age, often disseminated through the internet and social media. These unverified claims can lead to confusion and division within the Church.

To avoid such pitfalls, Catholics are advised to exercise caution and prudence when encountering private revelations. Here are some tips for navigating this complex terrain:

  1. Seek Ecclesiastical Approval: Whenever possible, prioritize revelations that have received the formal approval or recognition of the Church. This provides a degree of assurance regarding their authenticity.
  1. Consult Spiritual Directors: Seek the guidance of a knowledgeable spiritual director or a trusted priest when dealing with private revelations. They can offer valuable insight and help you discern the messages.
  1. Prioritize Public Revelation: Always give precedence to public revelation contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition. Private revelations should never overshadow or contradict the teachings of the Church.
  1. Avoid Sensationalism: Be cautious of revelations that generate sensationalism, extreme devotion, or divisiveness. Authentic private revelations should foster humility, unity, and a deeper relationship with God.
  1. Prayer and Discernment: Approach private revelations with a spirit of prayer and discernment. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and the wisdom to distinguish between true and false claims.
  1. Stay Grounded in the Sacraments: Private revelations should never replace the importance of participating in the sacramental life of the Church, including the Eucharist and Confession. These are the foundation of the Catholic faith.


Private revelations hold a special place in Catholic spirituality, offering personal insights and guidance from the divine. However, the Church's cautious approach to discernment emphasizes the need for careful evaluation and scrutiny. For faithful Catholics, discerning the authenticity of private revelations is not only a matter of personal belief but also a commitment to preserving the integrity of the faith.

Through adherence to doctrinal consistency, spiritual fruits, humility, obedience, and other criteria, Catholics can navigate the complex world of private revelations with wisdom and discernment. The Church's role in this process is essential, as it provides a protective and guiding authority to ensure that private revelations do not lead the faithful astray.

As Catholics engage with private revelations, they should remain rooted in the foundational truths of the faith, prioritize the sacraments, and seek the counsel of spiritual directors. In doing so, they can experience the potential benefits of private revelations while avoiding the risks associated with unverified claims. Ultimately, the discernment of private revelations is an ongoing and challenging journey, requiring both faith and prudence, as individuals seek to draw closer to the divine in their unique spiritual journeys.