What is anxiety?

What is anxiety? We've all experienced it - the nervousness we feel before a test, date, competition, or presentation. Anxiety is the body's preparation for a new challenge. We are more alert and ready to act because our heart pumps blood and oxygen. We perform both physical and emotional tasks with greater efficiency. For tips on how to deal with test anxiety, see Test Stress.

Anxiety is a normal reaction when we feel threatened by our health, safety, or happiness. However, anxiety can sometimes become overwhelming, disruptive, and even happen without reason. An anxiety disorder may be indicated by persistent, excessive worry.

Anxiety disorders symptoms:

Anyone can experience these symptoms during times of stress. However, Individuals with anxiety disorders may exhibit these symptoms in the absence of stress and with more severe or multiple symptoms.

  • Unable to relax
  • Unrealistic or excessive worries
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Heart racing or rapid pulse
  • Nausea or chest pain
  • Feeling "a lump in the throat."
  • Dry Mouth
  • Irregular breathing
  • Feelings such as dread, anxiety, or loss of control
  • Feelings of trembling, shaking, or sweating
  • Feelings of disconnection or fainting, dizziness or feelings
  • Death thoughts

Types of anxiety disorders:

A generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can be characterized by excessive worry and tension, much worse than most people's everyday anxiety. Some people may experience trembling or twitching, muscle tension, irritability, and poor concentration. They can also suffer from fatigue, headaches, lightheadedness, breathlessness, and depression.

Panic disorder: People with panic disorders have panic attacks that are sudden and without warning. Individuals may feel like they cannot breathe, have lost control, or are experiencing a heart attack. Chest pain, nausea, sweating, and tingling are all possible physical symptoms. Some people have a single panic attack, while others develop a chronic panic disorder. In either case, anxiety is high between attacks, as it is impossible to predict when the next attack will happen. Many panic disorders begin in early adulthood. Many people who have panic disorder also have agoraphobia, which is an abnormal fear of public or open places. Panic attacks.

Phobias can be irrational. People with phobias know their fears are unfounded, but they still experience severe anxiety or panic attacks when confronting the feared object or situation.

Fears of an object or situation are common in phobias. Fear of particular objects or situations, such as animals, tunnels, and water, often characterizes specific phobias. Fear of public speaking is the most common specific fear.

A social anxiety disorder is marked by excessive self-consciousness and overwhelming anxiety in everyday social situations. Social phobia is characterized by fear of being judged, embarrassed, or humiliated. This fear can interfere with school, work, and other everyday activities.

Uncontrollable anxious behaviors or thoughts characterize Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD is characterized by unwelcome, persistent thoughts or images and the need to perform certain rituals. OCD can manifest as obsessive thinking without rituals. Obsessions are the disturbing images or thoughts (e.g., fear of germs), and compulsions are the rituals performed to rid them of them. People who are obsessed with germs might wash their hands excessively. Although the individual may not enjoy performing these rituals, they find that it is the only way to relieve their obsessive thoughts temporarily.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a condition that affects individuals after traumatic events like physical or sexual abuse or car accidents. War, natural disasters, or car accidents can also cause it. PTSD can cause depression, nightmares and sleep problems, irritability or violence, aggression, and violence. The symptoms can be triggered when the trauma is recalled.

What is a Panic Attack?

Stress, caffeine, and other stimulants can cause panic attacks.

Some people only have one or two panic attacks and are never again bothered. Other psychiatric conditions can cause panic attacks. The panic attacks are repeated in panic disorders, and the individual develops a fear of another attack. This "fear" of fear can cause people to avoid certain situations and even interfere with their daily lives when they're not experiencing a panic attack. It is essential to identify the problem and seek help.

Tips on how to deal with a panic disorder

Understanding Panic Disorders, National Institute of Health

  • Although your symptoms may seem frightening, they're just an overreaction to everyday stress and aren't harmful or dangerous.
  • If you face your feelings instead of fighting them, they will lessen in intensity.
  • Asking "What if?" will only increase the anxiety. Say, "So What?"
  • Keep your focus on the present. Focus on what's happening in the present, not what you might think will happen.
  • Watch it change as you rate your level of fear on a 1-10 scale. It doesn't remain at the highest level for long.
  • You can distract yourself by simply counting backward or gently snapping a rubber band around your wrist.
  • Expect and accept the fear. Allow it to pass, and don't run away.

Helping someone with anxiety disorders:

  • Ask the person directly what they want.
  • Take your time.
  • Let the person who has the disorder determine the pace of recovery.
  • Every small step you take toward recovery can be a positive one.
  • Do not help them to overcome their fears.
  • Keep your life going so you do not resent someone with a disorder.
  • When the person panics, don't panic. It's normal to worry about them.
  • Accept the person's disability but do not accept it as permanent.
  • Encourage yourself by saying: "You can do this no matter what you feel." You are a great person. Please tell me now what you need. Slowly and deeply breathe. Keep your mind at the moment. You're not bothered by the place but by the thought. It's painful but not dangerous. "You are brave."
  • Avoid saying, "Don't worry." Let's try to do it. You can do it. What do we do now? Do not be a fool. You must stay. "Don't be a coward. These phrases are used to blame an individual for their anxiety.

What should I do if I need help?

Many people think that anxiety disorders are overcome by willpower. This is not true. Untreated anxiety disorders may lead to depression, drug abuse, and other issues. You should consult a professional if excessive worry interferes with your daily routine.


Visit a clinician if you or someone you love is experiencing anxiety disorder symptoms. They can determine if an anxiety disorder or a medical condition causes the symptoms. Referral to a mental healthcare professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, or counselor, is often the next step for treating an anxiety disorder.

There are two main types of treatment: medication and psychotherapy, also known as "talk therapy." Both are effective for the majority of disorders. It depends on whether the patient and clinician prefer one or both.