Sleep masks, also known as eye masks, are often unfairly stereotyped as feminine or frivolous. However, they can be a useful aid for sleep that more people should consider using. They can help with falling asleep, dealing with sickness, staying in unfamiliar places, or taking daytime naps. If you're unsure whether sleep masks can improve your sleep quality, read on to discover some of their many benefits.

  1. Sleep masks are a cost-effective alternative to blackout curtains, which are typically more expensive. Most sleep experts agree that the darker your room is, the better quality of sleep you will have. However, not everyone can afford blackout curtains, especially for larger windows. A sleep mask can be a more affordable solution for blocking out ambient light and helping you achieve a deeper sleep. Controlling the lighting in your surroundings can be a non-invasive way to improve your sleep quality, as studies have demonstrated that light impacts our circadian rhythm. In today's world, we are exposed to an increasing amount of artificial blue light, particularly in the evening when we tend to use electronic devices such as phones or watch TV. A sleep mask, or eye mask can help to eliminate excess light and its effects on sleep, making it a useful tool for getting a good night's rest when the lighting is out of our control. Whether you're on a red-eye flight or staying in a noisy city, a sleep mask can help you sleep better by blocking out any unwanted light.
  2. Improving sleep quality is associated with darkness, according to scientists, for evolutionary reasons. Humans and our pre-human ancestors have an innate circadian rhythm that is naturally aligned with daylight and darkness, resulting in wakefulness during the day and sleep during the night. The advent of electric lights disrupted this rhythm, but prior to their invention, humans would sleep at night and be active during the day. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles and is produced in response to darkness, which is associated with sleep in our brains. Sleeping in dark conditions has been linked to increased time in REM sleep and decreased wakefulness, resulting in deeper and more uninterrupted sleep. These benefits have been found not only in dark rooms, but also with the use of sleep masks. Cloroom sales prioritize quality and comfort in manufacturing their eye masks.
  3. Sleep masks have the potential to alleviate insomnia by creating a darker sleeping environment. Because darkness is associated with sleep in our brains, wearing a sleep mask may help reduce the impact of external factors such as stress, anxiety, or excitement that can keep us awake at night. Additionally, sleep masks can prevent distractions from external sources like alarm clocks or other objects in the room. Cloroom offers high-quality sleep masks and has ongoing clearance sales that customers can take advantage of by using the latest Cloroom coupon codes. If you experience difficulty falling asleep, a sleep mask might help to reduce any additional "noise" coming from your brain. Even when your eyes are closed, you may still be able to perceive activity in your environment, which can be disruptive to sleep. To minimize such distractions that can hinder the process of falling asleep, a sleep mask can offer sensory deprivation by blocking out light that may enter your eyes.
  4. Compared to medication or alcohol, sleep masks are a safer option for individuals struggling with sleep issues. Sleeping pills and alcohol can be habit-forming and come with a risk of side effects, with the possibility of overdose. Alcohol also negatively impacts the overall quality of sleep and disrupts the sleep cycle. In contrast, sleep masks are a low-risk, non-chemical alternative to conventional sleep aids that can trick the brain into believing it is time for sleep, leading to better sleep quality. Cloroom offers a discount of 15% off on first orders of their high-quality eye masks. Don't miss out on the opportunity to try them out.

5. Sleep masks have the potential to prevent dry eyes caused by central heating or cooling systems in homes. Dry air can cause discomfort and irritate the eyes, especially if there is dust or pet hair circulating in the air. While investing in a humidifier can help, it won't prevent air from blowing on the eyes. A sleep mask can create a protective barrier over the eyes, shielding them from the HVAC and preventing dryness. Additionally, sleep masks can be beneficial for individuals who have nocturnal lagophthalmos, a condition where the eyes cannot fully close during sleep. This can cause extreme dryness and even permanent damage. Sealed sleep masks, specifically intended to help with eye hydration, can be a solution for these patients. Cloroom promo codes offer that customers can purchase high-quality sleep masks.

  1. Sleep masks can have skin benefits as well. Sleeping on your stomach or side can result in the breakdown of collagen and the formation of wrinkles due to the pressure and friction against your skin and pillowcase. A sleep mask can help safeguard the delicate skin surrounding your eyes and serve as a barrier between your skin and pillow, reducing the possibility of waking up with creases and preventing collagen breakdown. However, using a sleep mask might also increase the chances of developing acne breakouts. To minimize this risk, it's recommended to choose a mask made from breathable materials like cotton or silk, wash it regularly with scent-free detergent and no fabric softener. Nonetheless, using a sleep mask can improve your bedtime habits, leading to better sleep, which can have a positive impact on your acne. You can use Cloroom discount codes to purchase comfortable eye masks.
  2. There is a wide variety of sleep masks available to choose from, so if you've tried one in the past and it didn't work for you, don't give up just yet. Some masks sit away from the eye if you don't like pressure on your eyelids, while others use sliding straps instead of Velcro. There are many low-profile, blindfold-style masks available if you don't want something too bulky. If you find that regular masks don't block enough light, you can try one of the many blackout-style masks available on the market