Are you wondering what to study after your schooling so that you can make a successful and lucrative career? Well, considering the given scenario where computers are indispensable, studying b tech computer science colleges in Lucknow is a feasible option.

There are lots of reasons to second it. Read to know them.

A Comprehensive Knowledge

Ideally, BTech in computer science enables students to gain an in-depth knowledge of computers. They are also well aware of the latest technologies and advanced software used in the digital landscape today.

Typically, a reputed b tech college in Lucknow will teach you different subjects during the course, which include:

  • Advanced programming
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Algorithm Labs
  • Compiler design
  • Cloud computing
  • Computer graphics
  • Database management system
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Digital system
  • Quantum computing
  • Risk management
  • Research Methodology and
  • Web technology.

Apart from that, students also learn about different programming languages, coding and computation, program designing, computer hardware construction and upkeep, NLP or Natural Language Programs, machine learning, and several applications and operations.

Reasons to Study B Tech in Computer Science

Opportunities Galore:

As said earlier, a computer is used in every field, and so there is an opportunity to get a job in every sector, such as finance, health, banking, transport, science, education, and more.

Go Global:

The opportunities are not limited to the national platforms only. There are lots of opportunities overseas as well since computer science is a global phenomenon today.


With extensive knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, data management, and others, you can make a lucrative career in a diverse field, yielding a high salary depending on the position you hold.


Ideally, computer science students are not affected by the recession, so there is little chance for layoffs. This makes their jobs much more secure.

Learn And Earn:

The most significant benefit enjoyed by computer science students is that they can earn while they learn. This eventually enhances their experience in the particular field.

Wider Career Options:

Students of computer science can choose from a wide range of options, such as software engineer and developer, system analyst, product manager, finance programmer, game developer, and more.


This is a field for the creatives. Technology is improving every day in leaps and bounds, and with the advent of cloud computing, big data, and cyber security, there is ample scope for remodeling. This makes it much more exciting compared to other fields.

Positions Offered

Students of BTech in computer science are offered a variety of jobs in different positions. A few of these responsible posts include:

  • Data scientist
  • Machine learning engineer
  • Multimedia programmer
  • Cloud engineer
  • Network security engineer
  • Database administrator
  • Java Developer
  • System Analyst
  • Computer system analyst
  • Computer Network Architect and
  • Information systems manager

You may also work in the capacity of a full-stack developer, and all of these positions are high-paying.

Expert Tips

BTech computer science is a very good option for young students who want to build a bright future. However, you must make the right choice to do so.

For example, you must choose the best college for the degree and also choose a specific area of specialization depending on your skill set. You must also look for projects to work on so that you can hone your skills and gain more real-world experience.

Last thought

In short, learning computer science is a go-to option because it is a brain-stimulating field that allows huge personal and professional growth through effective collaboration. It is the right course that will make you ready for the digital future.