High blood pressure is a general condition that impacts arteries. It is also known as hypertension. The strength of the blood thrusting against artery walls is continuously excessively high for the hypertension patient. Your heart then struggles to pump blood.

Whether you have high blood pressure daily medication is necessary. A routine check-up with a heart specialist in Siliguri is highly profitable for you. The doctor will guide you about a healthy lifestyle that controls your blood pressure well.

Hence, here are some important tips to maintain your systolic number:

Maintain body weight

As weight increases, blood pressure increases equally. Sleep apnea is a vital cause of high blood pressure. Controlling boy weight is one of the fruitful lifestyle changes that control your high blood pressure. The measurement of the waistline is important.

While the waistline is carrying much weight it will tend to increase blood pressure. Males above 40 inches and females above 5 inches of the waistline are at great risk. Ask your heart doctor about the proper waistline weight which should maintain.

Diminish salt from your diet

A little reduction of salt in your diet can improve your heart health and decrease blood pressure levels. Avoid completely table salt during mealtime. Choose low sodium contained food and beverages in your diet. Use spices and other herbs instead of excessive salt in your food to enhance the taste. Intake of 1500mg per day or less sodium is suitable for your health.

Decrease worries

Indelible emotional stress and worries are the reason for high blood pressure. Find out the reason for your stress whether it may be family, work, finance, or illness. To avoid stress you can focus on the following points:

  • Prepare your daily routine based on precedence. Take time to do your work adequately.
  • Whether any disturbance is created in your profession talk to your supervisor. If any issues are starting with your spouse or kids look out for solutions with a peaceful mind.
  • Avoid people, incidents, and fields that are creating stress in your mind, as stress triggers high blood pressure.
  • Do breathing control exercises daily by sitting quietly for some time. Involve in some hobbies for mental relaxation viz. reading books, listening to music, gardening, cooking, taking a walk, etc.
  • Always appreciating others can reduce your stress automatically.

Proper rest required

Prepare a soothing good night ambiance for your sleeping time. Less than six hours of sleep can push you into the dark field of hypertension. Keep out any electronic gadgets viz laptop, television, and mobile phone from your eyes during sleeping hours.

Reading books can help your eyes fast closed with no worry. Incase of that you are suffering from insomnia, somnambulism, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or any other sleeping disturbance issue, contact a heart specialist in Siliguri for remedy.

Plan a new lifestyle with daily workouts, a healthy diet chart, avoiding smoking, and limiting alcohol can reduce your systolic number. A blood pressure monitor should be kept at your home for regular checkups.