
Ah, tax season. It’s the time of year when small business owners feel dread and anxiety as they prepare to fill out their tax returns. Whether you’re a freelancer or a business owner, filing taxes can be tedious and confusing. This article will provide you with five tips to keep in mind when filing your small business taxes.

We’ll discuss some common pitfalls to avoid, the importance of filing on time, and some of the deductions and credits you could qualify for. By the end of this article, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to tackle your small business tax returns easily. So, don’t fear the IRS - arm yourself with these five tips and prepare to file confidently.

In This Blog Post, We Will Discuss

I. Understanding the Basics of Small Business Tax Returns

  1. Timing of filing
  2. Eligible deductions
  3. Types of taxes

II. Preparing for Tax Time

  1. Keeping up with tax law changes
  2. Organization of financial records
  3. Hiring a tax professional

III. Filing the Tax Return

  1. Filled-out paperwork
  2. Properly filing the return
  3. Submitting payment

IV. Navigating IRS Audits

  1. Causes of audits
  2. Tips for staying organized during an audit
  3. Rights and responsibilities during an audit

V. Appealing the Outcome

  1. Reasons for appealing
  2. Following the IRS appeals process
  3. Assistance from tax professional

Tax season can be a daunting process for small business owners, but there are steps you can take ahead of time to make the filing process smoother. Whether you are a freelancer, a sole proprietor or the head of a small business, understanding the basics and taking proactive steps can help you easily navigate your tax return and reduce any fear of the IRS. Here are five tips to help you with small business tax returns.

I. Understanding the Basics of Small Business Tax Returns

The first step in filing income taxes is understanding what is required of you and your business. This includes knowledge of when taxes need to be filed, which deductions you may be eligible to take, and what types of taxes are relevant.

A. Timing of filing

The filing deadline for individual tax returns is typically April 15th, though this date may vary depending on the year. Barron Income Tax typically recommends that small businesses file their taxes early to avoid last-minute mistakes or forgotten information.

B. Eligible deductions

Income taxes paid by the small business on employee salaries, retirement contributions, health insurance premiums and office supplies may all be deductible on your small business tax return. It is important to note that not all deductions are eligible for every type of small business. Contacting a professional is always recommended to ensure you maximize any potential deductions.

C. Types of taxes

Small businesses may be required to pay income, self-employment and payroll taxes depending on their structure and size. Self-employment tax is necessary for those who are self-employed or have a single-member LLC; payroll taxes include federal unemployment tax (FUTA) and state unemployment tax (SUTA). A Barron Income Tax professional can provide more information on which types of taxes are applicable for your business.

II. Preparing for Tax Time

In addition to understanding the basics, it is important to plan when filing income taxes. Here are some tips on how to start getting ready for tax time:

A. Keeping up with tax law changes

Changes in federal tax regulations occur each year, so it’s important to stay current with news to remain updated on these changes. Tax laws can significantly impact small businesses, so read up on information related to tax exemptions and any new credits or deductions that could benefit your filing process.

B. Organization of financial records

Accurate bookkeeping records throughout the year will make filing taxes easier at the end of the year. Keep track of receipts, invoices and other important documents throughout the year by keeping them organized in one place so they are easy to reference when needed come time for filing your return.  

C. Hiring a tax professional

Tax laws can be complex but hiring a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or another qualified professional can save time and stress at the end of the year. A top-notch professional will ensure all necessary paperwork is completed accurately and on time for your return to go smoothly and reduce your chances of an audit from the IRS down the line.  

III. Filing the Tax Return

The actual process of filing a business tax return includes filling out paperwork appropriately, submitting it properly and ensuring payment is sent in full before the due date arrives:

A. Filled-out paperwork  

All paperwork must be completed completely without any mistakes or omissions for your return to be accepted by the IRS; making sure everything is correct before submitting means less chance of follow-up questions down the line if an audit should arise later on. When in doubt, consulting with a Barron Income Tax professional can help confirm accuracy before submission and give peace of mind that all paperwork has been appropriately completed and submitted correctly.  

B. Properly filing the return  

There are two common ways businesses file returns: through mail or electronically via e-file software options such as Free File or TurboTax Business Edition software programs offered by the IRS website free of charge. Each method has its pros/cons. Barron Income Tax recommends using e-filing whenever possible to save time, reduce chances for errors due to manual entry from paper filing, and receive confirmation from the IRS within days rather than weeks that your return was successfully received without any errors.  

 C. Submitting payment  

Pay any remaining balance due by the specified due date, whether by check or direct deposit. Failure to do so could result in costly late fees being added to your account, which may become difficult to resolve later on. To avoid this, sending full payment before the due date is best or setting up a payment plan with the IRS if you're experiencing financial strain. This will help prevent you from having significant balances due at one time, which could put you over budget during certain months. Remember to honor all expected tax requirements yearly, such as paying estimated quarterly payments when applicable.

IV. Navigating IRS Audits  

An IRS audit can feel like an intimidating experience, but if you remain organized throughout this process, you can make it through just fine.. Here are some tips on how best to prepare yourself if faced with an audit:   

A. Causes of audits

Audits can happen randomly or arise due to discrepancies between reported numbers on returns versus other public records such as bank statements or personal credit reports. Audits may also occur when insufficient documentation is provided with returns making them easy targets since data entry based off paper sources would require more man power from IRS agents, which often results in this being last resort action..

 B. Tips for staying organized during an audit   

During an audit it’s important to maintain good documentation practices like keeping detailed accounting books updated regularly and having all pertinent documents readily available at request, whether requested digitally or in person from the auditor. Remembering how important accuracy is throughout this process also helps since discrepancies between documents/records can result in further penalty assessments if not handled extra care..

C Rights and responsibilities during an audit    

During an audit rights include having access to legal counsel if desired, while responsibilities include providing access requested documents/records by specified timelines along with answering questions truthfully enough such agreement can eventually be reached between both parties. It’s essential never talk down IRS agents though talking back is acceptable when necessary since maintaining cooperative/professional dialogue easiest way ensure going through an audit won’t damage the relationship with agency long-term once full resolution eventually found..   

V. Appealing the Outcome   

If taxation amount calculated incorrectly according to agency standards, then appealing the outcome possible though should done right away since delays could result in the amount owed increasing even higher than originally determined without administrative Interest added accordingly. Here are steps take to do just that:   

 A. Reasons for appealing

likely include different opinion between taxpayer & IRS agent assessment amounts regarding how much owed along with discrepancy between sources used calculate such number either way..It’s important remember though always prudent consult legal counsel prior appealing since internal bureaucracy associated appeals process relies heavily upon knowing exactly how play system order get fair hearing first try without having resort prolonged legal battles second guess decisions made beginning dialoguing purposes ensure staying compliant within Barron Income Tax regulations set forth & met this day forward otherwise future issues could arise unknowingly potentially resulting greater long term consequences best avoided altogether given potential real life circumstances already causing enough worry already!.   

 B. Following IRS appeals process

Resolving a tax dispute can involve multiple levels, depending on the case's complexity. Taxpayers may try to settle the dispute informally first, through a conference meeting proposed by both sides, intending to reach an agreement upon terms that are suitably agreeable to all involved parties. However, suppose an informal resolution is not possible. In that case, a formal route can be pursued, with possibilities such as drafting a written document to designate why an appeal is necessary. This is done given the events that have occurred, leading to a decision that requires further examination and, ultimately, a higher court ruling to decide the issue. Instead of the authority granted within the jurisdiction hearing the case, a higher court will rule upon the final ruling, determining the outcome. This will be explained in verbal or written form, respectively. It is important to consider the guidelines set forth earlier in this discussion to follow best practice guidelines related to the above topic. Doing so will ensure the best possible outcome for all parties involved.

C. Assistance from tax professionals

Expertise and know-how gained from experience in handling similar cases encountered throughout a career can provide quality advice that leads to successful appeals and resolutions. This is available when deemed appropriate based on the situation. Regardless of the outcome, the purpose remains to reach a goal agreed upon by both parties under the established law and terms. Only then can a true victory be achieved, which is essential to set a precedent that upholds trust and promotes fairness and transparency in the relationship between the taxpaying public and the governing agencies responsible for regulating the processes involved. By doing so, it contributes to society's overall health, both socially and economically.


Tax season doesn’t have to be filled with dread and fear. By understanding the basics of small business tax returns, preparing ahead of time, filling out paperwork accurately, submitting payments on time, and knowing how to handle an audit if necessary, you can confidently approach your small business taxes without worry. It’s important to remember that help is available, so don’t be afraid to contact a professional if necessary.

Following these five tips ensures that your small business tax returns are accurate and timely. You’ll be able to approach filing with confidence, knowing that you’ve done everything you can to ensure a stress-free experience. So, don’t be afraid of the IRS - use these five tips to get your small business taxes filed easily.