Do you occasionally experience persistent knee pain and swelling? You can have a condition known as persistent knee bursitis. Surgery may be a possibility if previous therapies haven't worked out too well for you. Read this article to discover the surgical options that can be used to treat chronic knee bursitis. To get the best assistance in your case, contact a Knee Pain doctor nyc.

Understanding Your Surgical Paths For Chronic Knee Bursitis

Getting To Know Chronic Knee Bursitis

Chronic knee bursitis feels like you have a bursa, a tiny pillow, just next to your knee that becomes swollen and painful. It might make moving your knee difficult and uncomfortable.

If Surgery Is Potentially Necessary

Typically, medical professionals initially try other therapies like rest, ice, and medication. However, surgery can be advised if your bursitis persists and nothing else seems to be working.

Looking At Surgical Options

Option 1: Bursa Removal (Excision)

This is similar to removing the troublesome swollen bursa. Your doctor can perform a straightforward operation on you. Your knee may take some time to heal after the bursa has been removed, but the discomfort and swelling should lessen.

Option 2: Drainage And Injection

Your doctor may occasionally use a needle to remove excess fluid from the enlarged bursa. After that, they might inject some medication to assist in reducing the inflammation. It's similar to providing some relief for your knee.

Option 3: Tendon Release (Tenotomy)

This is comparable to letting go of a tight thread to enable better knee movement. To release the problematic tendon, your doctor may make a little cut close to the knee. After that, you'll need to perform some easy exercises to rehabilitate your knee.

Option 4: Bursectomy With Tendon Release

Your surgeon may combine bursa removal with tendon release during this procedure. It's like trying to solve two issues at once. If both the swollen bursa and the tight tendon are giving you pain, this alternative can be considered.

After Surgery

  • Rest Period

Your knee will require some rest and attention following surgery. For a period, you might require crutches, so try not to put too much weight on the knee that had surgery.

  • Physical Therapy

Physical treatment might be suggested by your doctor. The knee pain treatment Fidi resembles physical activity intended to help your knee regain strength and mobility. The workouts may seem difficult at first, but they are aiding in your recovery.

  • Following Doctor's Instructions

Everything will go in vain if you do not follow the aftercare instructions given by your knee pain specialist. This advice generally consists of the ways to take care of knees and restrictions on certain movements. 


After reading this article, you have now understood how surgery will be an excellent option if all the other methods have failed. You will be back on track after the surgery and following the instructions given by your knee pain specialist. If you are considering knee pain treatment for knee bursitis, contact Knee Pain doctor manhattan for the best results.