The majority of people love the spread, and for those who don't know what it is, it's the concentrated dose of CBD that helps people get high. These doses are obtained from solvents that aid in the extraction of THC and several other forms of cannabinoids in concentrated oil form.

Dabs are known by several names depending on the consistency in which they are found. Moreover, they are named differently based on the method of preparation as well. Some of the most popular names by which it is known include wax, hash oil, crusher, etc.

To make the rub most effective, it is heated to a high temperature using small nails usually made of quartz and glass or some other material. Apply then inhaled by someone through the dab rig. The reason behind the popularity and high use of dab is its purity and potency. If you think that rubs are similar to dry decoctions, know that they only extract the active compounds, leaving everything else behind.

Therefore, the ointment contains only those elements that help to achieve the desired result, such as pain relief, euphoria and many similar problems. Plus, dab provides a quick hit compared to other similar options, and is therefore a crowd favorite. Also, people use it in the medical community as well to provide instant relief to people.

After reading the benefits and basics of the spread, you must now be thinking about how to use it, and get the most out of it. In our article today, we cover several ways in which users can get the most out of the dab pipe.

Learning To Make The Right Dab

Perhaps one aspect of the spread that comes out after a rough patch and a lot of struggle is temperature. You should know that the different types of nails used have different temperature tolerances and also different throughput rates. Temperature has the ability to affect various aspects of cannabis, namely taste, intensity, flavor, and also the amount of smoke produced.

Though, every time you try and test a new concentrate, you should try a few experiments to make sure everything works well.

Now, let's go through some tips for heating the spread properly.

Keep heating the nail until it starts to turn red.

You have to apply the tool directly inside the nail and then inhale.

Make sure your torch is pointed away from the public, concentrates and other flammable materials. Ignoring the torch is one of the leading causes of several accidents.

You have to make sure that the nail cools down first as it helps make hitting fun.

Allow a few moments for the nails to cool, and this can take almost 30-45 seconds.

Although knowing the temperature at first is a bit difficult, once you get used to it, you will have no problem getting the perfect shot.


Well, as they say, time is undoubtedly an excellent teacher. Over time, you will master the art of making the perfect spread for yourself and your friends. Monitoring temperature is one thing you will need to learn to prepare the most efficient spreads for.

When you know the process of making the right spread, you will not only get the most out of it, but also enjoy the experience. Making the best spread will give you the highest concentration of smoke that will last longer than other options and give you the best taste. Follow the spread prep tips listed below to be professional in no time and feel your best too. You can buy from this store

Equipped With Accurate Tools

If you smoke a lot then it is important for you and others like you to have the correct dab kit. Plus, if you don't want to spend a fortune on a dab set, we recommend investing in the right one to make sure it lasts longer than expected.

There are a few essentials that should be included in every kit to make the spread smoking journey for the user smooth.

Butane torch as it helps in heating. You will easily find this tool in any smoke shop. However, if you're having trouble finding this one, buying a brulee torch will do the trick for you too.

Water pipes or even dab rigs that have water pipes. Keep in mind that you choose the option that has a low volume.

I, I, I. Concentration itself is quite critical.

A dab tool that helps users transfer concentrate from its original location to the pipe. You can also use some homemade alternatives, but we recommend using a dab tool made specifically for basting.

Keep Checking the Size

 When preparing your spread, you should keep a check on the size of the prize to make sure you get the desired result. When measuring concentrate, it's best to start with a smaller portion. Moreover, it is known as a concentrate for the main reason, which is that it is stronger than the other available options. Therefore, if you are new to this field, you should be aware of the size you are going to use.

In the early stages, we recommend going slow, then you can pick up the momentum as you get used to it. That's because if you get too tall, the situation will be just the opposite of what is pleasant. You should try with the smaller crystals that are on the dab, rather than just smoking the bulk of it.

As your tolerance level increases over time, after applying a smaller amount, you may opt for a larger amount. Also, by starting with a small amount at first, your lungs will get used to the smoke and you will have no problem adjusting to its effects.

Warm Up The Dabbing

Perhaps one aspect of the spread that comes out after a rough patch and a lot of struggle is temperature. You should know that the different types of nails used have different temperature tolerances and also different throughput rates. Temperature has the ability to affect various aspects of cannabis, namely taste, intensity, flavor, and also the amount of smoke produced.

Though, every time you try and test a new concentrate, you should try a few experiments to make sure everything works well.

Now, let's go through some tips for heating the spread properly.

  • Keep heating the nail until it starts to turn red.
  • You have to apply the tool directly inside the nail and then inhale.
  • Make sure your torch is pointed away from the public, concentrates and other flammable materials. Ignoring the torch is one of the leading causes of several accidents.
  • You have to make sure that the nail cools down first as it helps make hitting fun.

Allow a few moments for the nails to cool, and this can take almost 30-45 seconds.

Although knowing the temperature at first is a bit difficult, once you get used to it, you will have no problem getting the perfect shot.

The Bottom Line

Well, as they say, time is undoubtedly an excellent teacher. Over time, you will master the art of making the perfect spread for yourself and your friends. Monitoring temperature is one thing you will need to learn to prepare the most efficient spreads for.