Designing a room can be a daunting and tiresome task for anyone with no prior experience or expertise in design work, it requires creativity and keen attention to detail to achieve the best results. Figuring out your personal style and creating a blueprint of the final room design helps since not all of us can afford professional designers. So how can I design my room like an interior designer? Below is a step-by-step guide that will make you think like an Interior designer.

1. Create a space plan

Figure out the room layout by identifying the type of furniture you want in the room, and select furniture that is pleasing to the eye and functional while taking size into consideration. Most of the space in your room is occupied by furniture, from tables to chairs and desks to sofas so ensure you select the right furniture and position them correctly in your room according to your pleasing.

2. Figure out your style

Find what you love best and try to bring your ideas to life when designing your room. Gather ideas from professional designer websites, TV shows associated with interior design, and also design magazines. Use your family and friends' homes as inspiration, if you feel comfortable and relaxed in their spaces it means there are certain elements of their homes that you like, blend their style with yours to achieve the best possible outcome.

3. Make a budget

A budget is necessary when designing your room or house, having a realistic budget is a critical step in interior design. Abudget provides a clear vision of the achievable outcome about your financial constraints. A proper budget should be more than the total value you plan to spend on the whole interior design project. Some of the Items to be included in the budget are; furniture, artwork, building costs, raw materials, etc. Ensure your budget foresees other unplanned costs that may arise as the design work proceeds.

4. Bring your Ideas to life

This is the final step when designing your room, It entails putting all the tiny details mentioned above to work. Take your time and slowly fit each piece of the puzzle accordingly, a good interior designer  pays keen attention to details from the paint used, the type of furniture, the manpower needed to complete the project, the tools and raw materials needed, the room lighting and lastly the artwork needed to transform the room.


Interior design has proven to be a challenging task over the years, however, with a proper and clear plan, one can easily navigate around it and create one-of-a-kind designs just like a professional interior designer would. Finding your style is key, and adapting to new techniques, and inspirations will help you design and create a beautiful space that portrays your unique personality. Remember, adding elements linked to your interests and passions in your design is the key to creating a space that suits you!