QuickBooks error QBW32.exe often occurs if you have a large amount of spam in your system or if you are using an infected website. QuickBooks error QBW32.exe is a clear indication of corporate file corruption in QuickBooks. There can be several reasons for this error, some of which we will share here. This error typically appears with a warning message while printing or accessing QuickBooks. This is a file associated with payroll amounts and his QuickBooks Pro software for the Windows operating system.

This error can also occur if a large number of spam emails are sent or if the user visits an infected website. This error also occurs when you start your PC or program, or when you try to create printed output. This error can also occur if you have downloaded and installed the latest QuickBooks release update. If you are also facing the same issue here, then we recommend you to continue writing this article till the end. You can also reach out to the experts on our team through our dedicated support line at +1-800-360-4183. Our US-based accounting experts will happily answer all your questions quickly and troubleshoot any errors properly.

What causes QuickBooks Error QBW32.exe?

Various factors can be possibly trigger QuickBooks error QBW32.exe. A few reasons that can be responsible are listed below. Let's go through them:

  • Damaged program file available for QuickBooks desktop installation
  • QuickBooks isn't installed properly
  • Damaged hard drive
  • dll file is not in the QuickBooks directory
  • exe might have been moved out of the QuickBooks directory

Solution to Rectify QuickBooks Error QBW32.exe

Here we have mentioned the steps that can be implemented to rectify this error. Let's take a look at the steps:

Solution 1: Carrying out Clean installation of QuickBooks Desktop

Solution 2: Running QuickBooks install diagnostic tool

Solution 3: Reboot the system

Solution 4: Ending the QBW32.exe process

Solution 5: Suppress the QuickBooks application

Solution 6: Restoring the PC

Solution 7: Repairing QuickBooks Desktop

Solution 8: Disable the antivirus

Solution 9: Cleanup of the temporary files


We hope this post helped you with the above steps and shed light on why this problem occurs. Fixing QuickBooks error QBW32.exe is easy and the software will work properly if you apply the given steps correctly. If corrective measures are difficult, you can seek professional help. Our QuickBooks Support will help you solve this problem. To reach an expert, call toll-free +1-800-360-4183. We will be happy to help you resolve the issue as soon as possible.