Keeping your family safe when they are online and offline is equally important, and nowadays, kids are often online for the same amount of time (or even more) than they are off. Therefore, here are some tips you can follow to keep your family members safe both on and offline.
- If you want to keep your family safe online, you should ensure they are aware of all the potential scams they may be exposed to, from fake emails to text message phishing, especially if they are young or elderly. This will ensure that they are able to spot the signs. Talking about scams and the risks of the internet openly may encourage them to report back to you when they are uncomfortable.
- You should also make use of many of the parental controls that are available on most phones and computers. For instance, you may be able to lock their screen use after a certain amount of time spent online and block them from visiting adult websites or those which they are not yet old enough for.
- You should consider having a family laptop and only buying your child their own laptop when they are old enough to deal with it. This means that you will be able to follow their internet history and will mean that you can keep an eye on what they are doing online.
- You should also try to get your family members to keep their location private and to make any social media accounts that they have private, especially as they reach their teenage years. You should also think about requesting relatives avoid posting pictures of your child without your or their permission.
- It is not just your kids that you must keep safe offline, but your pets as well. To make sure that your pets are safe, you should make sure that you know where the great animal hospitals are in your area. These animal hospitals will ensure that you can get your pets the medical attention they need in an emergency. They will also enable you to vaccinate them against dangerous diseases and get them checked over annually. Therefore, you should consider looking at the services that Saltwater Animal Hospital Having a vet that you know and can trust will give you peace of mind during an emergency.
- Although it might be old news for your child, you should constantly reinforce the idea of stranger danger and ensure that they know not to go with people they do not know or speak to unless you supervise them. You should also make sure that you keep an eye on your children when they are out and about.
- It is also important to talk to your kids about potential hazards when they are playing without your supervision, especially if they are likely to be influenced by their peers. For instance, you should talk to them about hazards such as electric fences and large bodies of water they may encounter when they are exploring.