Your hair is a key component that determines your look and has the power to either increase or decrease your self-confidence. Because of this, some men will spend a king's ransom to have their hair restored if they run the risk of going bald.

Deciding to undergo surgical hair restoration is not simple, so, fortunately, you found this page so you can learn what to expect from a hair transplant in Dubai. You are better prepared to oversee the aftercare procedure in this way. However, learn about How to Manage Pain and Discomfort Post-Hair Transplant, and get the treatment.

Hair Transplant:

Due to its less invasive nature, FUE (follicular unit extraction) recovers more quickly than FUT (follicular unit transplantation). Consequently, there are differences in the pain felt following surgery & Hair Transplant in Dubai UAE . Up to two weeks following surgery, particularly with FUT, it is typical to feel some moderate soreness in the area.

Days following the treatment, the pain usually subsides on its own. However, if you find that it gets worse, you need to tell your doctor right away because this could be an infection, especially if it's accompanied by fever, redness, and foul-smelling discharges.


Generally, the pain will naturally decline days after the procedure. Post-operative instructions vary for each surgeon. A cold compress is the easiest way to manage pain at home. Some doctors also advise moderate massages to the donor region to help alleviate the pain and increase circulation which is vital for healing. 

Initial stages of recovery:

During the initial stages of recovery, maintaining an upright or semi-lying down position can help reduce the swelling faster. When sleeping you can elevate your head at a 45-degree angle using two pillows. 

Other physical methods to reduce swelling include: 

  • The use of a firm headband
  • Application of adhesive tapes below the hairline
  • The use of ice packs or bags of frozen peas
  • Steroids (orally or intramuscularly)

A proactive approach to minimise the swelling helps improve healing time and will make it progress faster.

Pain is a possibility

Several days following surgery, soreness is common. A week following surgery, the donor and recipient sites usually recover well, but it is also true that nerves reawaken and subcutaneous fluid moves, causing throbbing anguish.

It is normal to feel pain both during and after hair transplant surgery. Painkillers and appropriate surgical methods are used to manage it. Among the things that cause pain are: 

  • Wide strip
  • Bleeding
  • Wound tension 
  • Large sessions with inadequate anaesthesia

Healing time varies

A hair transplant procedure typically has a healing period that corresponds to a specific schedule. It is also true that there isn't a set protocol for how we should heal. While some people typically heal far more quickly than others, some people may experience difficulties along the road. These variations can be attributed to your biological composition, your method of post-operative recovery, or the skill and technique of the physician during surgery. 

Usually, patients would sport full growth around the tenth or eleventh month after surgery. If you are growing as much as the next guy, know that other factors may come into play. Don't immediately raise arms thinking that you have been short-changed. Full growth may take a year, while others might even start to notice it during the 24th month.

You might need more than one session

Each patient heals uniquely & Hair Replacement Dubai . This explains why some people require multiple sessions. In these situations, the surgeon would evaluate the patient's hair growth following the first treatment and determine if a follow-up is required. This is a component of the customized treatment that a trustworthy surgeon should provide. 

Moreover, the extent of hair loss would also affect the number of sessions that you need to undergo. This is common in those who have extensive or an advanced form of hair loss. If you prefer an FUE procedure, this would usually require more than one session to achieve the desired result.

How to Treat Pain after a FUE Hair Transplant

As you will feel pain or soreness at the transplant site as well as pain in the donor area after a hair transplant, our surgeons will prescribe you various medications within your aftercare plan to help with pain after your FUE hair transplant. Your surgeon may prescribe the following to help with your pain after a hair transplant:

  • Pain medications
  • Antibiotics
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Medications to stimulate hair growth

Aftercare for having Pain Post Hair Transplant 

Managing hair transplant pain after surgery can be aided in a variety of ways. Some of the best ways in which you can manage pain after your FUE hair transplant here at Enfield Royal Clinic are easily controllable, allowing you to enjoy life on the day-to-day in a manageable way while enjoying your realistic-looking new head of hair.

To minimize your suffering after hair transplant surgery, we advise you to wait a few days after your procedure before shampooing your hair. 

  • It is recommended to use milder shampoos with fewer ingredients to promote optimal healing of your hair transplant while lessening pain following your FUE hair transplant procedure. 
  • Although you should be able to return to your normal work and daily activities within 3 days, avoid brushing your hair within the first 3 weeks as this may disturb the grafts and cause more pain after your hair transplant.
  • Exercise should also be avoided for approximately one week following your procedure, as this can cause unnecessary pain after your FUE hair transplant.