Painting a room with textured walls can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation and knowledge, it can be done quickly and easily. Painting textured surfaces requires more than just rolling on paint - it requires priming, filling in any cracks or gaps, and understanding the type of texture you are dealing with.

Preparing the Room

Preparing the Room is an essential step in painting a room with textured walls. Before you begin, it is important to protect furniture, flooring, and any other items that may be affected by paint or primer. Start by moving out any furniture from the room or covering it with plastic sheeting. Then remove all light switch and outlet covers and keep them somewhere safe for later use. Next, vacuum the walls to remove dust, dirt and cobwebs that can affect paint adhesion. Finally, use painter's tape to mask off moldings or trim around windows or doors that should not be painted over. With these steps completed, you are ready to start priming your textured walls!

Painting Tools & Materials

Painting any room in your home can be intimidating, but painting a textured wall presents an even bigger challenge. To ensure the best results when tackling this project, it is important to have the right tools and materials on hand. You can hire an experienced  Drywall Contractor to add texture to a room. 

You should begin by gathering the essential supplies, such as a high-quality paintbrush or roller and tray, painter's tape, a drop cloth to protect furniture and floors, sandpaper or sanding block, a spackle or joint compound (to fill in cracks), a primer that works well with texture coatings, and of course paint in your desired color. It's also recommended that you wear protective gloves while working on your project – especially when working with the joint compounds – to avoid skin irritation or injury.

Step 1: Priming

Painting a room with textured walls is a bit more complicated than painting a smooth wall, but it is still possible to do it yourself. The first step in the process is priming your walls. Priming helps to seal in any imperfections or old paint that may be on your textured walls, ensuring that when you add the final coat of paint, it will look even and professional.

When selecting a primer for your project, be sure to choose one specifically designed for use on textured walls. Also, make sure that the primer you choose is compatible with whatever type of paint you plan to use for your topcoat; different primers are designed for different types of finishes (i.e matte vs glossy). Once you have selected an appropriate primer, follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully before beginning the application.

Step 2: Applying Paint

Painting a room with textured walls can be a difficult and time-consuming task, but if you take your time and follow the steps correctly, you will end up with a beautiful finished product. Step 2 of this process is applying the paint to the walls correctly.

Before beginning to apply the paint, make sure all of your supplies are ready and accessible. This includes drop cloths, painter’s tape, ladders or step stools (if necessary), primer, and paint. Begin by rolling primer on any newly textured areas that require it. Allow the primer to dry completely before continuing on to step 3.

When applying the paint itself, use short strokes in both directions when rolling it onto the walls so that it does not drip or run down from one section to another. To get expert advice here you can visit our website to learn more.

Step 3: Adding Texture

Adding texture to walls is an easy way to make a room look more finished, and the third step is painting a room with textured walls. Texturing can be done in a variety of ways, from stippling and sponging to ragging and stamping. Whatever method you choose, the goal is to create a unique pattern that adds dimension and interest to the wall.

Before beginning any texturing process, it's important to clean your walls thoroughly so that dirt and dust don't get mixed into the paint or leave marks on the wall. You'll also want to sand down any bumps or blemishes on your walls before adding texture. Once you're sure your surfaces are smooth and ready for paint, start by mixing up some joint compound in a bucket according to package instructions - this will form the base of your texture. 


Painting a room with textured walls can be tricky, but with the right tools and techniques, anyone can do it! Whether you're looking to freshen up a space or just change the color of the walls, learning how to paint textured walls is key. In this article, we'll provide step-by-step instructions for successfully completing this task so you can achieve the look you desire.