Hybrid cannabis, a harmonious blend of sativa and indica genes, has taken the cannabis market by storm. The once-clear boundaries between pure indica and sativa strains have blurred, with hybrid varieties dominating the scene. In this article, we'll unravel the intricate world of hybrid flowers, exploring their composition, the factors that define them, and delving into popular strains that have become household names among cannabis enthusiasts.

Composition of Hybrid Cannabis

Hybrid cannabis plants boast a genetic makeup that combines traits from both sativa and indica strains. The traditional classification of cannabis into indica and sativa categories has become less relevant, as the focus shifts to the terpene profile, growth patterns, and subjective experiences associated with each strain.

Factors Defining Hybrid Strains

Terpene Profile

Terpenes, the aromatic compounds in cannabis, play a crucial role in differentiating hybrid strains. Sativa-dominant hybrids may exhibit more herbal and sweet terpenes like farnesene and bergamotene, while indica-dominant hybrids often feature the sedative terpene myrcene.