Being an early riser has many benefits on the physical and mental health; the morning persons are said to be kinder, more careful, happier, more performant, and even less prone to depression.
Morning people are happier
As we know, the sun is very beneficial to morale. Likewise, long exposure to natural light would benefit mood. Research has also established a link between happiness and waking up early in your youth; this also applies to the elderly. Possible explanations: night owls are less happy because of the imposed 9 to 5 schedule. The world of work is not adapted to their internal clock.
Early risers get better health diagnoses this way. To keep the line, it would also be enough to get up early, suggests a study in the United States. Exposure to morning light influences patients' body mass index (BMI), regardless of their level of physical activity, calorie intake, time asleep, or age. According to the results of this research, morning light plays a role in the BMI for 20%. "Light is the most important agent in adjusting the internal clock which regulates your circadian rhythm (which has an oscillation of about 24 hours), which in turn regulates your energy balance", adds Phyllis Zee, another co-author. "The bottom line is that you should try to see more light between 8 am and noon," she added. Just 20 to 30 minutes can have a positive enough effect on your BMI, the study concludes.
They will be less likely to suffer from depression
Unfortunately, this only applies if you are female. Promising research posted in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that women who get up earlier are much less likely to develop mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders than women who sleep longer.
This makes perfect sense, especially when you consider how beneficial restful sleep is to our physical health - it makes sense that these benefits spill over into our mental and emotional health as well. It's hard not to be frustrated, annoyed, or even downright upset when you're exhausted. How many of us have ever overreacted when we were overworked?
More conscientious
A study has shown that morning people are more meticulous. Professor Frederick Brown says: "They are more alert, almost anxious, but in a positive way." More meticulous but also more proactive and better organized concerning complex situations.
They are nicer
The night is often synonymous with fear, mystery, and since ancient times has conveyed obscure stories of werewolves, vampires, and unpunished acts. In a 2013 study, "larks" are less likely than "owls" to have narcissistic, Machiavellian, or psychopathic personality traits.
Early risers are less stressed
Early risers have more time for themselves before the world gets busy. Many people get up earlier to exercise, follow a morning routine, or just grab a coffee and relax in their chairs.
It doesn't matter what it is: this free time in the morning allows early risers to do what they want, in peace. When we can do that before the day's obligations pile up, nothing gets in our way.
On the one hand, it helps to avoid the stress of time and the pressure that we live mentally. Then again, this early morning time for yourself allows for conscious relaxation - the latter playing a role in managing stress well throughout the day.
They are productive
While the "night owl" slowly extricates itself from the morning fog, the early riser will already have had time to run, prepare breakfast and check emails and Facebook feed before going to work.
They will improve the general quality of your sleep
Research has repeatedly shown that people who get up early prepare for better quality sleep when they go to bed at that time. Other studies have found that night owls are more likely to develop sleep problems and tend to sleep less than early risers.
We hear all the time how important it is to get eight hours of sleep a night. But if you only give yourself a few hours of rest by going to bed at midnight or later, that's not going to work. On the other hand, if you get up early, there's a good chance you'll be ready to get back to bed earlier. This will guarantee you a good night's restful sleep.
Admire the sunrise
Getting up early allows you to reconnect with nature: even if you live in a city, going from the dark night to the brightness that the day brings when you get up has a stimulating effect and reminds us of how much the world we live in is beautiful and that we must help to preserve it.
How to develop the habit of getting up early?
- It can be painful trying to get into the morning hours overnight. By gradually moving forward 10 or 15 minutes before waking up, you let your body get used to the change, and the chances of success increase dramatically.
- To motivate yourself to part with your cozy eiderdown, establish a pleasant morning ritual. For some, it will be going under the hot spray of the shower, while for others, it will be easy to brew a first cup of coffee.
- Whoever says waking up at dawn also means going to bed earlier. For healthy sleep hygiene, consider modifying your bedtime routine as well. In other words, being early in the morning is played as much in the evening as in the morning!
- Choosing an alarm clock is an art. We go according to our personal preferences, whether we like to come out of Morpheus's arms to the rhythm of a slow crescendo or whether we are more the type to wake up suddenly to the sound of a military band.
The special early bird program
To help you get up early and stay motivated (we know this is the most difficult), the author has concocted a program of an hour of "stupendous" routine to organize according to your morning mood.
- Body awakening: 15 min
- Awakening emotions: 15 min
- Assertiveness: 15 min
- Refocusing: 15 min