Oil pulling is a natural and ancient technique that has been used for centuries to maintain good oral health. This traditional method involves swishing oil around your mouth for several minutes each day, which helps to remove bacteria and toxins from your mouth and teeth. Not only is oil pulling great for your oral health, but it also has numerous other benefits, including teeth whitening, fresh breath, and improved digestion.

In this ultimate guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about oil pulling, including what it is, how to do it, the different types of oil you can use, and the many benefits it offers. So, grab a jar of coconut or sesame oil and get ready to learn all about the benefits of oil pulling!

Benefits of oil pulling for oral health

The benefits of oil pulling teeth are numerous, and it is a natural way to whiten teeth and improve overall oral hygiene.

Remove Bacteria and Plaque 

First and foremost, oil pulling helps to remove bacteria and plaque from the mouth. When you swish oil in your mouth, it binds to the bacteria and pulls it out of your teeth and gums. Research has shown that oil pulling can significantly reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which in turn can prevent tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease.

Whiten Teeth Naturally

Oil pulling can also help to whiten teeth naturally. The oil works by lifting stains from the surface of the teeth, revealing a brighter, whiter smile. Unlike harsh chemical teeth whitening treatments, oil pulling is gentle and safe for your teeth and gums.

Improve Your Oral Hygiene

In addition to these benefits, oil pulling can also promote overall oral health. It can help to strengthen the teeth and gums, reduce inflammation, and even alleviate jaw pain and headaches.

Benefits of oil pulling for overall health

Oil pulling is not only beneficial for oral health but also for overall health. 

  • It helps to remove harmful toxins and bacteria from the mouth, thus improving the body's immunity and digestion. The practice of Coconut Oil Pulling is said to have many health benefits that extend beyond oral health.
  • Oil pulling is known to detoxify the body by removing harmful toxins and bacteria that accumulate in the mouth. It helps to boost the immune system, which further helps to prevent diseases and infections. 
  • Oil pulling has also been found to be effective in improving skin health. The antibacterial properties of oil help to reduce acne and other skin problems. It also helps to reduce the signs of aging by preventing wrinkles and fine lines.
  • In addition to these benefits, oil pulling is also known to improve sleep quality. The practice helps to calm the mind and body, reducing stress and anxiety, which can improve the quality of sleep.

What type of oil to use for oil pulling?

Choosing the right oil is critical for successful oil pulling. You may have heard of people using different oils such as coconut oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, and even butter! 

Coconut Oil

However, the most commonly used oil for oil pulling is coconut oil. Coconut oil has a pleasant taste and aroma, and it contains lauric acid, which is famous for its antimicrobial properties. When you swish the oil around your mouth, it helps to kill harmful bacteria while leaving the good bacteria intact.

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is another popular oil for oil pulling as it has a nutty taste and is rich in antioxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help improve oral health.

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is milder in taste compared to coconut oil and has a high vitamin E content, making it ideal for people with sensitive teeth or gums.

No matter which oil you choose, make sure it is organic, cold-pressed, and unrefined. This ensures that the oil is pure and retains its beneficial properties. So, choose the oil that works best for you and start incorporating oil pulling into your daily routine for a brighter, healthier smile!

How to perform oil pulling step by step?

Oil pulling is a simple process. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform oil pulling:

  1. Choose your oil: The most commonly used oils for Oil Pulling for Teeth are coconut oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil. Choose the one that you prefer.
  2. Take one tablespoon of oil: Put one tablespoon of oil into your mouth. If it is solid, wait for it to melt before swishing it around.
  3. Swish the oil around your mouth: Swish the oil around your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Make sure to push and pull the oil through your teeth and around your gums. Do not swallow the oil.
  4. Spit the oil out: After 15-20 minutes, spit the oil out into the trash. Do not spit it into the sink, as it can clog the pipes.
  5. Rinse your mouth: Rinse your mouth out with warm water and brush your teeth as normal.
  6. Repeat daily: For best results, oil pulls daily. It is best to do it in the morning on an empty stomach.


We hope that you have found our ultimate guide to oil pulling useful. This ancient practice has many benefits for oral health, such as teeth whitening, reducing bad breath, and promoting healthy gums. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily add oil pulling to your daily oral hygiene routine. 

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to share this article with your friends and family so they, too, can enjoy the benefits of oil pulling.


What kind of oil should I use for oil pulling?

Traditionally, sesame oil was used for oil pulling, but you can also use coconut oil or sunflower oil.

How often should I oil pull?

Most experts recommend oil pulling once a day, preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Can oil pulling whiten teeth?

Yes, oil pulling can help whiten teeth by removing stains and promoting overall oral health.

Can oil pulling replace brushing and flossing?

No, oil pulling should not replace brushing and flossing, but you can use it as an additional practice to improve oral health.