There are many old people who don’t like to travel because of troubles of traveling. Of course, traveling can be both tiresome and relaxing. It depends only on you. If you are taking your grandparents or elderly members of your family for a trip, make sure that you pay much attention to eh traveling mean. There is no need to do any type of adventure with the mode of transportation you pick for senior citizens.

The best mode of transportation for old people would be trains. Even if you have any doubts about train enquiry seat availability, you can get them cleared well in time. Indian Railways is becoming better and bigger day by day.  This is one of the largest networks of the world and India is proud to own it. Anyhow, getting back to old people and their traveling; have a look at the below given points that would convince you that trains are good for old people to travel.

Comfortable in their own way

These trains are absolutely comfortable in their own way. You can find a great pinch of comfort snuggled in these train compartments. Even if you have a small budget, you can go for a common train ticket. There are trains having different types of coaches, and you can pick one as per your budget and comfort. Whatever be the coach, there would be extreme comfort for old people. It is simply because there is enough room for movement too. What is the point if an elderly person is travelling in a bus and feeling really tired and exhausted? That would be really not done, right? In case of a train, there is space in the compartments to roam around. Your old parents can easily walk in the compartment to ease up and stretch their legs.

Talks and amusement

Of course, maybe you have your mobiles and devices to escape from the time of traveling, but that is not the case with elderly people. For them, there has to be another amusement to cut the time while traveling. In a bus or personal car or even plane; there won’t be that cheeriness that is found in trains. In trains, you can find families and many groups traveling. There are strangers engaged in talks and conversations. Elderly people can take part in these talks and conversations and feel amused during the journey. After all, everybody knows that old people love to talk and exchange views.


If you are an old couple and you want to go to another city, it would be cheap to go by trains. Yes, trains are affordable, and you can buy tickets as per your pockets. If you have a good budget, you can go for a luxury class coach or otherwise you can always go for the other random options scattered on your plate.  These trains are cheaper than other mode of transportations like buses and mainly planes.

So, if you are an old person, there is no need to compromise with your trips. In the presence of a variety of trains, you can easily go to places that too without any hitch and discomfort.