Organic growth is the process of growing your Instagram following without using paid promotion. It takes time and effort, but it’s worth it because you’ll build a community of engaged followers who are interested in your content.

There are a number of strategies you can use to organically grow your Instagram following. In this article, we’ll share some of the best organic Instagram growth strategies you should implement for your business.

  1. Use hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to reach new people who are interested in your content. When you use relevant hashtags, your posts will show up in the hashtag feed, which allows users who don’t follow you to discover your content.

To find the best hashtags for your business, use a hashtag research tool like Hashtagify or Keyword Tool. These tools will help you find popular, relevant hashtags that you can use to reach new people.

  1. Post quality content

If you want to organically grow your Instagram following, you need to post high-quality content that’s interesting and engaging. Every piece of content you post should be carefully crafted and well-thought-out.

Take time to plan your content strategy and create an editorial calendar so you can batch produce content and stay organized. This will save you time in the long run and help you consistently produce great content.

  1. Use Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a great way to connect with your followers and give them a behind-the-scenes look at your business. When you use Stories, be sure to use engaging visuals and include calls-to-action so your viewers know what to do next.

  1. Run contests and giveaways

People love free stuff, which is why running a contest or giveaway is a great way to grow your Instagram following. To run a successful contest, make sure you’re clear about the rules and prize, and promote it across your other channels.

  1. Collaborate with other businesses

Collaborating with other businesses is a great way to reach new people and grow your following. When you collaborate with another business, you can cross-promote your content to each other’s followers. This is a great way to reach new people who are interested in what you do.

  1. Use Instagram ads

While organic growth is important, sometimes using paid promotion can be helpful to jumpstart your growth. Instagram ads are a great way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business.

To get started with Instagram ads, create a business account and then use the Promote feature to create an ad. You’ll need to choose an objective for your ad, such as driving traffic to your website or increasing brand awareness. Then, select your target audience and budget.

  1. Post frequently

If you want to organically grow your Instagram following, you need to be active on the platform. This means posting new content on a regular basis. How often you should post depends on your audience and how much content you have.

If you’re just starting out, aim to post once or twice a day. As you get more comfortable with Instagram and start to produce more content, you can increase your posting frequency. Just be sure not to post too much or you’ll risk overwhelming your followers.

  1. Be responsive

When people take the time to comment on your posts or reach out to you, it’s important that you respond in a timely manner. This shows your audience that you’re listening and that you care about them.

Make sure to check your notifications regularly so you don’t miss any comments or messages. Responding to your audience will help you build deeper relationships and grow your following.

  1. Use calls-to-action

Asking your followers to do something is a great way to increase engagement and grow your following. When you use calls-to-action, be specific about what you want people to do. For example, you could ask people to share your content, tag a friend in the comments, or answer a question in your caption.

  1. Create evergreen content

Evergreen content is content that’s relevant and useful at any time. This type of content is especially important on Instagram because you want your content to be timely and engaging.

To create evergreen content, focus on topics that are timeless and ever-changing. For example, you could create a Wikipedia page with the help of the best Wikipedia page creation services about tips for taking great photos or how to use Instagram for business. These topics will always be relevant so your content will have a longer shelf life.


By following these organic growth strategies, you can grow your Instagram following and build deeper relationships with your audience. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different tactics to see what works best for you and your business.