If your sitemap cannot be fetched by search engine crawlers, there may be a few possible reasons for this issue:

  1. Incorrect sitemap URL: Make sure that you have submitted the correct URL of your sitemap in your robots.txt file or in your Google Search Console account. Double-check the URL to ensure that it is valid and does not contain any typos.

  2. Incorrectly formatted sitemap: Check that your sitemap file is properly formatted according to the XML sitemap protocol. Use a tool like XML Sitemap Validator to ensure that your sitemap is free of errors and conforms to the protocol.

  3. Sitemap accessibility: Ensure that your sitemap file is accessible to search engine crawlers. Check that the file permissions are set correctly and that the file is not blocked by your website's robots.txt file or any security plugins.

  4. Server errors: Check your server logs for any errors that may be preventing search engines from accessing your sitemap. Common errors include 404 not found, 500 internal server errors, or 503 service unavailable errors.

  5. Large sitemap files: If your sitemap is very large, it may take longer for search engine crawlers to fetch it. Consider splitting your sitemap into smaller files or using a sitemap index file to reference multiple sitemap files.

If you have tried all of these steps and stil sitemap couldnt fetch l cannot fetch your sitemap, you may want to reach out to your web hosting provider or a developer for further assistance.

Yoast seo sitemap couldn t fetch

If you're using the Yoast SEO plugin and your sitemap cannot be fetched, there may be a few possible reasons for this issue:

  1. Sitemap not generated: Make sure that you have enabled the sitemap feature in Yoast SEO and that a sitemap has been generated. Go to SEO > General > Features and make sure that the XML sitemaps option is enabled. Then, go to SEO > General > Features > XML Sitemaps and click on the "See the XML sitemap" button to check if the sitemap has been generated.

  2. Incorrect sitemap URL: Double-check the URL of your sitemap to ensure that it is valid and does not contain any typos. The default URL for the Yoast SEO sitemap is https://example.com/sitemap_index.xml, where "example.com" is your website domain.

  3. Sitemap accessibility: Ensure that your sitemap file is accessible to search engine crawlers. Check that the file permissions are set correctly and that the file is not blocked by your website's robots.txt file or any security plugins.

  4. Plugin conflicts: Check if there are any conflicts with other plugins or themes that might be causing issues with the sitemap. Try disabling all other plugins except for Yoast SEO and switching to a default theme to see if this resolves the issue.

  5. Large sitemap files: If your sitemap is very large, it may take longer for search engine crawlers to fetch it. Consider splitting your sitemap into smaller files or using a sitemap index file to reference multiple sitemap files.

If you have tried all of these steps and still cannot fetch your Yoast SEO sitemap, you may want to reach out to the Yoast support team for further assistance.