Summer is a time of fun in the sun but can also be a time of high energy bills and uncomfortable indoor temperatures. As homeowners, it's important to prepare your air conditioning system for the hot months ahead. This guide will discuss some simple ac maintenance steps you can take to ensure your AC runs efficiently all summer long.

Change Your Air Filter

Changing your air filter is the first and easiest step to preparing your AC for summer. A dirty or clogged filter can restrict airflow, causing your system to work harder and use more energy. This can also lead to poor indoor air quality and potential damage to your AC unit.

To prevent these issues, it's recommended to change your air filter every 1-3 months. You may need to change it more frequently if you have pets or allergies or live in a dusty environment.

Clean Your AC Unit

Over time, dirt, leaves, and debris can build up on the outside of your AC unit. This can restrict airflow and decrease the system's efficiency. Before summer hits, take the time to clean your AC unit.

Start by removing any debris from around the unit. Then, use a vacuum or brush to clean the fins and coils of the unit. This will help improve airflow and ensure your AC runs smoothly.

Consider Upgrading to a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to set different temperature settings for different times of the day. This means you can adjust your AC usage based on when you're home and away, saving energy and money.

Many newer thermostats also have features such as remote control access and smart technology integration, making it even easier to control your AC system and save on energy costs.

Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans may not cool the air in your home, but they can help circulate the air and create a cooling breeze. This can make you feel more comfortable at higher temperatures and allow you to raise your thermostat setting, saving on energy costs.

Be sure to switch the direction of your ceiling fan blades to counterclockwise for the summer. This will push cool air down and create a windchill effect.

Don't Neglect Insulation

Proper insulation is crucial in keeping your home cool during the summer. It helps prevent heat from entering and keeps cool air inside. Ensure that your attic and walls are properly insulated, and consider adding more insulation if needed.

Schedule an Annual Tune-Up

Just like cars, air conditioning systems need regular maintenance to perform at their best. It's recommended to call a professional air conditioning repair in Wenatchee to inspect your AC system before the start of summer. This can help prevent breakdowns during the hottest months of the year and extend the lifespan of your AC unit.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your AC is ready to tackle the summer heat. Not only will this help keep your home cool and comfortable, but it can also save you money on energy bills and prevent potential issues with your AC system. Don't wait until the last minute – start preparing your AC now for a stress-free summer!  Call your trusted HVAC professional for any additional tips or assistance.