
One of the first criteria that I usually take into account is the capacity of the device. The latter makes it possible to determine the maximum quantity of fries that it can contain. So I don't have to start a new batch each time to feed the whole family. Generally, the equipment you find on the market has a capacity that varies between 600 g to 1.8 kg.

To get an idea of ​​the ideal accessory, consider between 200 to 3

00 g of fries per person for a normal meal. If you are a fam

ily of 4, a 1-1.2 kg electric fryer will suit you perfectly. Like me, you can always take a walk by opting for a larger model, especially if you are used to hosting friends in your home.

Its cooking time

The cooking time of an oil-free fryer remains variable depending on the model you choose. It is also an important feature, especially for individuals who are used to making their preparations at the last moment. For the fastest, I count between 15 to 20 minutes while the slowest will go up to 45 minutes.

The cooking time depends on several factors: the capacity of the tank, the power of the appliance, the quantity of food to be fried and the maximum temperature of the fryer. A model with a temperature of 200°C will take between 15 to 20 

minutes to cook.

His accessories

To monitor the cooking without having to constantly open the fryer, opt for a model with a transparent lid. So you can take a look at your fries while doing other household chores. On the other hand, I find that air fryer with a transparent lid also looks better.

Apart from the translucent cover, choose a device that incorporates an odor filter. This type of accessory is used to retain the smell of smoke and odors during frying. Almost all electric machines have a built-in timer. The latter b

eeps when cooking is complete. This is an interesting option to monitor the coction of your fries.

Its security

When you have kids, safety is really the most important consideration when choosing your fryer. To avoid the risk of burns, there are appliances with cold exterior walls. I use this kind of model.

But, for your safety and that of your loved ones, the fryer in question should not be handled while the oil inside is still hot. Its temperature reaches 150°C. Some deep fryer models have a system that dampens the plunge of the baske

t. Thus, the splashes will be limited.

Its versatility

Apart from cooking light fries without fat, electric fryers can cook other foods, namely: vegetables, nuggets, spring rolls, fish, tapas, meats and donuts. The list is not exhaustive, just read the recipe manual offered in the book that accompanies the fryer. You can also find ideas on the internet.

The oil-free fryer also gives you the option of cooking your food separately. These two very distinct cooking zones allow me to prepare my meal of the day, i.e. meat or fish with a side dish. The flavors are not mixed at all since the cooking is simultaneous.

The different types of oil-free fryers

The choice of a fryer should not be made lightly. Moreover, it does not improvise. To find the right deal, you need to know that there are different types of fryers on the market.

Traditional fryer

This type of fryer is undoubtedly the most affordable in stores. It costs less than 100 or even 50 euros. It is an assembly of utensils namely the pan, the basket and the lid. The potatoes must be cooked on a gas fire or on a fry air fryer, since this appliance does not have a thermostat or resistances.

Even if it is the cheapest, the traditional fryer is not very economical, since it consumes a large amount of energy. And you need heavy oil to fry the potatoes.

Hot air fryer

It is the ideal appliance for preparing dietetic fries. This model is characterized by its cooking method which requires no oil. The hot air pulsed by the resistors circulating in the tank helps to fry the food placed there. Some models are equipped with turntables that allow you to cook pan-fried vegetables. In addition, these fryers do not release any odor or grease.

A single spoonful of oil is more than enough to season potatoes for crispy, less greasy fries. You will be far from the 2 to 4 liters of oil needed to fry.

Electric oil fryer

Like the classic fryer, this model allows you to fry certain foods such as breaded fish, donuts, croquettes, breaded vegetables, etc. This device has several resistances which heat the oil bath of the tank. To make frying easier, you have the thermostat which can go up to 190°C, the temperature regulator and the cold zone as the main options.

Some models are provided with a cover equipped with odor and grease filters, oil drain cocks. However, their effectiveness is still questionable. The only downside to this fryer is that it is quite heavy compared to the traditional model.