Web development is considered the most important aspect of computer technology today. Companies are always in regular search of good web developers to build a great website.

With the ongoing popularity of web development, Laravel is gaining popularity simultaneously. A Laravel development company can help improve the development workflow and productivity. It is considered one of the most important PHP frameworks for building modern web applications. With the right Laravel tools, you can also enhance productivity of the web applications. 

This article will provide valuable insights into the best Laravel tools that will help develop a seamless web application.

What is Laravel? 

Laravel is a PHP framework that simplifies and speeds up web development. It follows the MVC architectural model. Laravel has a powerful set of tools and features designed to make development more efficient and manageable. 

Laravel includes tools such as Eloquent ORM, Arisan console, blade templating, etc. It also includes strong routing, caching, and security technologies. It is regarded as a versatile framework that enables clients to create custom web applications such as monitoring tools, informal organizations, and more. Laravel's vibrant community and extensive documentation add to its appeal, making development more effective and pleasant. 

What are the best Laravel tools for software development?

Laravel mix

Laravel Mix is an asset management solution that makes gathering and maximizing assets easier. It is considered an elegant wrapper around Webpack for building assets. It simplifies common tasks like SASS/LESS compilation, minification, and asset versioning. It is one of the best Laravel tools for developing scalable, stable applications with an excellent user experience. 


PHPStorm is the best IDE for integrating with the Laravel framework. With good Laravel development services in Sydney, you can sustain intelligent features in your website. This includes top-tier completion, code analysis, quick debugging, secure refactoring, unit testing capabilities, and smart code navigation. It is also a reliable PHP code. Phpstorm is best suited to work with systems like Symfony, Drupal, Laravel, Zend Framework, WordPress, Magento, Yii, CakePHP, etc. 


Bitbucket is an excellent alternative if you own a small business and want to collaborate on code reviews.  It is considered a contender to GitHub. It is a Git stage for creating groups and collaborating on code within a Laravel development company.

Bitbucket provides you with complete control over the DevOps lifecycle. It provides great tools for managing archives, issue tracking, and specialized ventures. You can also debug code that is still in the development stage with the help of Bitbucket. 

Laravel Socialite 

Laravel Socialite is an authentication module for Laravel that makes it easier to integrate social media authentication into web projects. Laravel Socialite only supports verification for Twitter, Facebook, Google, GitHub, GitLab, LinkedIn, and Bitbucket. It offers a unified API for dealing with these social networks, as well as the ability to customize the login process and user interface. A good web design company Melbourne can help you implement Laravel Socialite into your web projects. 

Cloud 9 

Cloud 9 is cloud-based software. It is one of the top Laravel development tools that allows you to compose, run, and investigate your code with a single program. It also combines the rich code editing features of an IDE. With the help of pre-set settings called work areas, developers can start coding instantly and build web applications with features like program similarity testing and live viewing. 

Wrapping up! 

With the right Laravel development tools, you can increase productivity and manage workflows. The Laravel framework also helps the designers fit the capacities and create a useful site or application. You can hire a good e-commerce website design Australia to assist you with the right Laravel tools to develop a great website.