Cleaning your night guard regularly ensures it remains hygienic and bacteria-free. However, people make common mistakes when cleaning their night guards that can damage the appliance or even cause harm to their oral health. That is why it is very necessary to understand how to clean night guards. In this blog post we will discuss the  top mistakes to avoid when cleaning your night guard:

1- Using Hot Water or Boiling Water

Using hot or boiling water to clean your night guard can cause the material to warp or even melt. This can compromise the fit of your night guard and render it ineffective. Instead, use lukewarm water to clean your night guard.

2- Using Toothpaste or Mouthwash

Toothpaste and mouthwash contain abrasive ingredients that can damage the surface of your night guard. Using a mild soap or cleaning solution specifically designed for night guards is best. Avoid using anything with harsh chemicals that can cause discoloration or damage.

3- Using Harsh Chemicals or Abrasive Materials

Using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials to clean your custom night guard can cause scratches or other damage that can harbor bacteria. Avoid using bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or other harsh chemicals. Instead, use a cleaning solution recommended by your dentist or night guard manufacturer.

4- Not Rinsing Thoroughly After Cleaning

Failing to rinse your night guard thoroughly after cleaning it can leave residue behind that can cause irritation or even an allergic reaction. Rinse your night guard thoroughly with water to ensure all cleaning solution or soap is removed.

5- Not Letting Your Night Guard Dry Completely

Storing your night guard before it is completely dry can create a breeding ground for bacteria. Always ensure your night guard is completely dry before storing it in its case. Avoid using towels or other materials that can leave behind fibers that can get stuck in the appliance.

6- Storing Your Night Guard in an Unsanitary Place

Storing your night guard in an unsanitary place, such as a gym bag or purse, can expose it to harmful bacteria. Always store your night guard in its case when not in use and ensure it is clean and dry.

7- Not Cleaning Your Night Guard Often Enough

Cleaning your night guard daily is important to keep it hygienic and bacteria-free. However, many people neglect to clean their night guards as often as they should. Follow your dentist's recommendation for how often to clean your night guard, usually once daily.

Final Words: 

Every night guard is different and requires specific care instructions. Follow the manufacturer's cleaning instructions carefully to avoid damaging your night guard or compromising its effectiveness. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can keep your night guard clean and bacteria-free, ensuring optimal oral health and a comfortable fit. Remember to clean your night guard regularly, and don't hesitate to contact your dentist if you have any questions or concerns about cleaning your night guard.