Water lilies are among the most attractive and easily identifiable aquatic plants. They thrive in areas with calm or slowly moving water, such as ponds, streams, and the edges of some lakes. Water lilies can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. This article will briefly discuss the different types of pond lily.

● Aurora Dwarf

A petite plant perfect for small ponds, this lily has a bright apricot, red center surrounded by oval leaves with a maroon spotty look that appears throughout the summer. The foliage provides shade, which can help limit the spread of algae.

● Black Princess

An internationally rare, stunning, and sought-after lily with exceptionally dark burgundy flowers that almost fades into the black in the center. These types of pond lily differ from most other varieties in that they remain open for longer periods during the day.

However, to give the best conditions for them, place them in the shade for the hottest part of the day because they tend to melt in the strong heat.

● Barbara Dobbins

A peach-colored, cup-shaped blossom surrounded by slightly variegated leaves with huge leaves that stand about 10-15 cm above the surface level would thrive in a large pond. This San Angelo water lily also has the added benefit of emitting a nice aroma that most people enjoy.

● Colorado

This twenty-six to twenty-eight-petalled flower is variable, changing color from peach to scarlet. It is a prolific bloomer, implying it will flower consistently late in the season. This water lily is typical in size and will likely thrive in a medium-sized pond.

● Conqueror

Once established, the Conqueror, a San Angelo water lily, is a free-flowering lily with rich, fiery red petals that fade to pink as they age. The large open blooms are appropriate in both full sun and semi-shade as long as plants meet their large space needs.

● Lemon Mist

These lilies are ideal for brightening up your pond since they have beautiful yellow petals that emit a pleasant aroma and are surrounded by lily pads that spread widely. When first planted, providing the blossoms that poke slightly above the surface with the most sunshine possible is ideal.

● Gonmere

A stunning medium-sized water lily. It produces ball-shaped blooms with several layers of (star-like) petals. They have the advantage of staying open longer during the day than other lilies, but they also require regular removal of decaying flowers and leaves. These lilies are not ideal for those who do not have a significant amount of time to devote to maintenance.

● Joey Tomocik

This waterlily is topped with completely bloomed golden-yellow flowers that can reach up to 5 inches above the water. A suggested alternative for those who want to add an exotic atmosphere to their pond.

● Catchwater Dream

As wonderful as its name implies, this plant's initial peachy orange color matures over time into a magnificent pink contrasting with the uneven green leaves. Planting this water lily away from splashing fountains would be optimum for ensuring full growth.

● Charles de Meurville

This lily's petals are rich pink with an ink-like center that fades gristly into whiter tips. In the summer, the flowers can grow up to 20 cm in diameter and are more free and cup-shaped. This plant thrives in full sun and a medium-sized pool.


The mentioned are the possible types of pond lily that one can find worldwide. Every type has its significance and differs from person to person.

Source Link: https://www.apsense.com/article/types-of-pond-lily.html