Imagine visiting a website, and instead of finding the information you were looking for, you find a warning that reads, "405 Method Not Allowed." It might make you angry, especially if you are eager to use a certain tool or resource. This post will examine the 405 Method Not Allowed error, explain what it means, explain its typical causes, and offer methods for website owners to successfully fix the problem.

What is the 405 Method Not Allowed Error?

The 405 Method Not Allowed error is a status code for an HTTP response that denotes that the specified resource on a website does not accept the requested HTTP method. It indicates that the client used an improper or unsupported HTTP method, which prevents the server from completing the request. For want of a better phrase, the server is essentially stating, "Sorry, but you can't use that method here."

Causes of the 405 Method Not Allowed Error

  • Incorrect HTTP Method: When the client (often a web browser) sends a request using an ineffective HTTP method for a given resource, this is one of the main causes. Attempting to utilize the POST method on a resource that only accepts GET requests, for instance.
  • Misconfigured server: A server-side misconfiguration is another frequent root cause. If the server is not configured correctly to handle specific HTTP methods or does not have the required permissions to process the requested method, this may occur.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): The 405 error may appear if a website attempts to make a cross-origin request, but the server rejects it due to security limitations.

Resolving the 405 Method Not Allowed Error

  • Verify the HTTP Method Requested: Verify again that the HTTP method used in the request is suitable for the resource. If necessary, adjust the method (for example, switching from POST to GET).
  • Review Server Configuration: Examine the server settings to make sure it is configured properly to support the requested HTTP methods. If necessary, refer to the server's documentation or get in touch with the hosting company.
  • Check Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Settings: By specifying the right CORS headers, you can ensure that the server accepts cross-origin requests. For instructions on how to enable CORS, refer to the server manual.
  • Use Appropriate Error Handling: Take into account personalizing the 405 error page to improve user experience. Give users clear directions or other options so they can continue.


For website visitors, receiving the 405 Method Not Allowed error might be upsetting. Website owners can successfully fix this mistake and offer a better user experience by comprehending the causes and putting the suggested solutions described in this article into practice. Keep in mind to verify HTTP methods, examine server setups, manage CORS settings, and apply appropriate error-handling procedures. By taking these measures, you can ensure that clients and servers interact more easily, which will make visitors happier and improve the functionality of your website as a whole.