CUCKOO's Best Rice Cooker Singapore is a must-have kitchen partner that saves lot of time and work in your daily life.

The pressure cooker is meticulously engineered with the in-build smart cooking functions that embrace healthy and hassle-free cooking.

Here are the benefits of investing in CUCKOO's rice cooker-

  1. Perfectly cooked rice: One of the most significant benefits of rice cooker is the quality of cooked rice. The rice is evenly cooked using the pressure cooking technology which absorbs all the water and retains essential nutrients. In the traditional method of cooking rice, the rice is cooked in water and when the liquid is poured off, important nutrients and flavors get lost.
  1. No burnt or overcooked rice: The conventional way of cooking rice is not easy as when one does not pay attention for two seconds and the rice is burnt or totally overcooked. With CUCKOO's rice cooker the rice will turn out well. The rice cooker automatically switches off after the cooking time is over. The proprietary SK-Wall inner coating also prohibits the rice burns at the bottom.

  2. Saves time: With rice cookers, one does not have to pay attention to boiling rice all the time. All one has to do is to put rice and water in the inner pot and turn on the rice cooker. The rice will be automatically cooked in no time. The digital mode lets one see how long the rice has to cook. When the cooking time is over the rice cooker automatically switches the mode and keep the rice warm.

  3. Versatile: CUCKOO's rice cooker can cook a wide variety of meals. It has in-build different cooking functions that allow one to cook quinoa or other grains apart from rice. One can even cook soups and bake cakes with great ease.

  4. Warm and fresh rice: One significant benefit of CUCKOO rice cooker is that they have warm function. They warm mode is especially useful if one decide to eat later or guests are arriving late. With rice cooker, one can heat up the rice that has cooled down and enjoy later.

CUCKOO's most sought-after Water Filter Singapore and rice cooker embrace good health and well-being while making your life straightforward and hassle-free.