Respond thoughtfully to each comment

Putting aside the trolling, posting a remark on YouTube or any other social network requires effort and time. Your prompt response shows that you value and care about the effort for YouTube music video promotion service. Promote debate in your videos by posing queries, conducting polls (you can do this with Cards), and responding to each and every remark.

Additionally, there is a pleasant extra here: comments, along with the quantity of likes and subscribers, are indicators to the YouTube search engine that your video merits consideration for YouTube music video promotion service.. However, kindly refrain from abusing the system by leaving a large number of pointless comments. It is awful and will probably turn potential commenters away.

Promote your videos on social media 

Cross-promotion of your content on several platforms is a fantastic method to reach a new audience. The fact is, you never know where your next subscriber will come from—whether they click a link from a friend, search Twitter for relevant hashtags, or find you on Facebook. As a result, having a presence across various platforms helps a community develop.

Your promotion process can involve posting a video on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and embedding it into a blog post. The key is to repurpose things. For each medium, write your words differently if you want to appear genuine. Even if it just takes an extra 10 minutes, it is worthwhile in the long term.

Go to Creator Studio > Analytics > Traffic sources > External to examine the effectiveness of your cross-promotional strategy. You'll be able to precisely observe how much traffic comes from websites that link to or embed your videos.

Pro tip: If your channel has a Facebook page, you can test marketing your content to different audiences for as little as $5 to determine if it is effective for you.

Participate actively in niche communities

There are forums and communities for everyone, whether you work as a language instructor, a makeup artist, a gamer, or a drone video blogger. Join the community in your specialised area.

Without coming across as spammy, your aim is to let others know what you're working on. Instead of merely sharing links to your videos, offer commentary and suggestions while including a link to your channel in your bio or signature.

Team up with other YouTubers

YouTubers should work together since it's a good method to reach new viewers and is generally entertaining. Contact the YouTubers who can give your audience more worthwhile content . If you review cellphones, seek out others who also evaluate applications or mobile accessories; if you discuss makeup trends, you might want to team up with fashion bloggers; DIY YouTubers might work well together... you've got the gist.

To obtain a better idea of what interests your members, you may even ask them what other channels they watch.


No matter how you phrase it, promoting a YouTube channel is not a simple task. Additionally, you'll need to experiment with different strategy combinations to determine which ones work best for you. It helps a lot to be creative and determined, and hopefully some of the suggestions in this essay will assist, too.