First aid is a crucial aspect of emergency response and healthcare. In situations where immediate medical help is not readily available, the knowledge and application of first aid can be a life-saving skill. First responders and individuals with first aid training play a significant role in mitigating the effects of injuries and illnesses until professional medical assistance arrives. 

In this article, we will explore the three main aims of first aid and understand why they are essential in various emergency scenarios.

The Three Main Aims of First Aid

When providing first aid, there are three primary aims that responders should keep in mind: preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. Let's delve into each of these aims in detail.

1. Preserve Life

The first and most fundamental aim of first aid is to preserve life. In any emergency situation, the primary focus should always be on ensuring that the individual survives the initial injury or illness. To achieve this aim, responders should:

A. Assess the Scene

Upon arriving at the scene of an emergency, the first step is to assess the safety of the environment. This ensures the safety of both the victim and the first responder. If the scene is not safe, responders should not attempt to provide aid until it is secure.

B. Check for Responsiveness

The next crucial step is to check the responsiveness of the injured or ill person. This involves gently tapping the person and asking loudly if they are okay. If there is no response, the responder must immediately call for professional medical assistance, as the individual may be unconscious and in need of advanced medical care.

C. Call for Help

Preserving life often requires prompt medical attention beyond the scope of first aid. As a first responder, calling 911 or the emergency services number in your region is essential. Ensure that you communicate the nature of the emergency, your location, and any other relevant information to expedite professional medical assistance.

D. Perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

In cases where the victim is unresponsive and not breathing, performing CPR is crucial for preserving life. CPR involves chest compressions and rescue breaths to maintain blood circulation and oxygenation until professional help arrives. Knowledge of proper CPR techniques is a vital skill for any first responder.

E. Control Severe Bleeding

Uncontrolled bleeding can be life-threatening. Responders should take immediate steps to control severe bleeding by applying pressure to the wound, using bandages or clothing, and elevating the injured limb if possible. Effective bleeding control can significantly increase the chances of preserving life.

F. Maintain an Open Airway

For individuals with difficulty breathing, it is vital to maintain an open airway. This can be achieved by tilting the person's head back slightly and lifting the chin to keep the airway clear. Removing any obstructions from the mouth or throat can also be necessary.

G. Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

In cases of sudden cardiac arrest, the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can be life-saving. AEDs are designed to deliver electric shocks that can restore a normal heart rhythm. Many public places and workplaces are equipped with AEDs, and responders should use them if available.

In summary, preserving life is the foremost aim of first aid. Responders must act quickly and effectively to ensure that the individual's condition does not deteriorate further, and they have the best possible chance of surviving the emergency.

2. Prevent the Condition from Worsening

Once the first responder has taken steps to preserve life, the next aim of first aid is to prevent the condition from worsening. This involves providing immediate care and support to minimize further harm. Here are the key actions to achieve this aim:

A. Immobilize Injuries

In cases of suspected fractures or dislocations, immobilizing the injured area is essential. This prevents further damage to bones, muscles, and nerves. Splints or makeshift immobilization tools can be used until professional medical help arrives.

B. Manage Shock

Shock can be a common reaction to traumatic injuries or severe illnesses. It can lead to a rapid deterioration in the victim's condition. Responders should keep the person warm, reassure them, and maintain a calm and comforting presence to prevent shock from worsening.

C. Control Pain

Pain management is another important aspect of preventing the condition from worsening. This can involve providing pain relief medication if available, using cold packs for injuries, or keeping the person in a comfortable position.

D. Prevent Infection

Open wounds are susceptible to infection. Responders should take care to clean wounds and cover them with sterile dressings to reduce the risk of infection. Maintaining good hygiene while providing first aid is crucial.

E. Provide Psychological Support

In addition to physical injuries, the emotional and psychological well-being of the victim is also important. Providing reassurance, keeping the person calm, and offering psychological support can prevent the condition from worsening due to anxiety and stress.

F. Monitor Vital Signs

Regularly monitoring the victim's vital signs, such as pulse rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure, is essential. Any significant changes in vital signs should be reported to professional medical personnel when they arrive.

By preventing the condition from worsening, first responders contribute significantly to the overall well-being and recovery of the victim.

3. Promote Recovery

The third main aim of first aid is to promote recovery. Once the individual's life is preserved, and the condition is stabilized, efforts should be made to support their recovery process. Here are the key steps to promote recovery:

A. Comfort and Reassure

Offering comfort and reassurance is essential to help the victim feel safe and supported. This emotional support can have a positive impact on their recovery.

B. Provide Necessary Information

When appropriate, provide information to the victim regarding their condition and the treatment they will receive. This can help reduce anxiety and improve cooperation during medical treatment.

C. Help with Basic Needs

Depending on the situation, assisting the victim with basic needs such as warmth, shelter, water, and food is crucial for recovery. For example, if someone is stranded in a remote area, providing them with the essentials until help arrives is essential.

D. Assist in Evacuation

In cases where the victim cannot remain at the scene, helping with their safe evacuation to a medical facility is vital. This may involve providing transportation, guidance, or coordinating with emergency services for a safe transfer.

E. Follow Up

After professional medical treatment, it is important to follow up with the victim to check on their progress and provide any further assistance or support that may be needed. This can help ensure a successful recovery.

Promoting recovery is the final aim of first aid, focusing on the long-term well-being and health of the victim. By providing support and assistance throughout the recovery process, first responders play a critical role in helping individuals regain their health and quality of life.


In conclusion, the three main aims of first aid—preserving life, preventing the condition from worsening, and promoting recovery—are integral to effective emergency response and healthcare. First responders, whether trained professionals or ordinary individuals, must be well-versed in these aims and their associated actions to make a positive impact in emergency situations.

Remember, first aid is not a replacement for professional medical care but a crucial bridge that can mean the difference between life and death. By understanding and applying the three main aims of first aid, responders can be confident and effective in their efforts to provide immediate assistance in times of need. These aims are the cornerstones of effective first aid, and they guide responders in making a real difference in the lives of those they help.

If you are a first responder, maintaining your skills and knowledge is essential. Consider pursuing first responder recertification to stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and best practices, ensuring that you can continue to fulfill the three main aims of first aid effectively. Your commitment to preserving life, preventing the condition from worsening, and promoting recovery is a testament to the vital role you play in emergency situations.