Screen printing is the most popular printing technology today. It is widely used because of its simple printing principle. In addition to water and air, almost all materials can be printed using fully automatic screen printing machine. Screen printing has the advantages of convenient operation, simple plate making and low costs. Although screen printing seems to have many advantages, any method has its shortcomings. The advantages and disadvantages of screen printing are described below.

The advantages of screen printing

  • Various inks can be used

Screen printing equipment supports to use many types of inks, such as oily, aqueous, synthetic resin emulsion, powder and other types of inks. In addition, this technology also allows greater ink thickness, which means you can use different thickness of ink to control the colors of ink to create images. This usually makes you more likely to complete your work, which is difficult to copy by other printing technologies.

  • Large scale production

Screen printing usually takes a lot of time and the setup cost of professional screen printing machine is high, once a template is created, the template can be reused to print a large number of the same prints. This can help complete large-scale orders, and repeated printing also means running faster and more efficient.

  • Can be printed on a variety of materials

Screen printing process is to push the ink out of the screen for printing, so the screen printing process has very excellent flexibility. This means that screen press machine can be printed on almost any object as long as the surface is flat. For example, plastic, glass, metal, wood, textile and so on.

  • Durable quality

Due to the natural composition and thickness of ink in screen printing, the design using this process can bear greater pressure than other methods, and the color and the quality of image will not be lost in the printing process.

The disadvantages of screen printing

  • The more colors, the more costs

If you want to print a design with multiple colors, screen printing may not be a good choice. Because auto screen printing machine can only print one color at a time, if you want multiple colors, it means that you need to create a screen and template for each color, which will lead to a higher cost. Therefore, when using automatic screen printing press, use simple design and fewer tones as much as possible.

  • Not benefit for environmental protection

Screen printing requires a lot of water because water is used to mix ink and clean the screen. When the automatic screen printer is used to print a large number of orders, it means that a large amount of water may be wasted.

  • Not suitable for small scale production

Although the screen printing machine cost is low, small scale screen printing is very expensive. Because the setting time of screen printing machine is long and the steps are complex, the turnover time is usually slightly slower than that of other printing methods. In addition, if you need to design multiple colors, you need to create new templates and screens, which will also cost a lot of time and costs. These costs are not cost-effective for small-scale production. Therefore, screen printing is a good choice for large-scale orders.

Through the introduction of the advantages and disadvantages of screen printing, although screen printing is widely used and has good quality, this technology also has some limitations. It is worth noting that although screen printing machine manufacturers can provide cheap screen printing machines, screen printing is also not suitable for small-scale production. Therefore, when you choose screen printing, you need to comprehensively consider the advantages and disadvantages of screen printing, give full play to the advantages of screen printing and avoid their weaknesses, so as to achieve a more ideal printing effect. If you want to know more details, please visit my website.