
Hammer Toe is an illness that affects one of three middle toes that causes the toe to bend upwards at its middle joint. Certain individuals can treat symptoms of this condition by making lifestyle modifications. If your lifestyle choices don't ease pain, surgery could be the solution to this foot problem.

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Continue reading to find out more about hammer-toe surgery.

What is the Suitable Surgical Candidate?

Surgery shouldn't be the only option for treating hammer toe. It is possible to lessen or eliminate the discomfort by wearing larger shoes, or by using pad or inserts. Exercises that extend and build your foot by cramming towels with your toes can be helpful in certain situations.

If none of these options alleviate your pain, surgery might be the best alternative for you.

A few people who suffer from hammer toe may also suffer from other foot issues like bunions or heel spurs as well as corns. If you suffer from several foot issues the doctor may suggest treating them all with one procedure.

Avoid hammer toe surgery if you suffer from:

  • Poor circulation in your feet
  • An active infection
  • health issues that can cause surgery to be risky

A foot operation may be a possibility as health conditions improve.

What Should You Expect During the Procedure

Hammer toe surgery is generally performed in an outpatient manner. It means you'll be able to go home the day you get the surgery. You can get general anesthesia to ensure that you're asleep throughout the entire procedure. The surgeon may choose to perform the procedure without general anesthesia and instead , use numbing medication so that you do not be aware of any operation being performed by your feet. Discuss the options with your physician.

The kind of procedure is based on the extent of your hammertoe. If your toe is slightly flexible, your foot surgeon in Perth might be able to perform a tendon transfer. This involves redirecting tendon from the bottom of the toe towards the top where they are bent. The rerouted tendons will assist in straightening the toe.

If your hammer toe is been stiff or fixed The surgeon can choose between joint either resection or fusion.

Resection of the Joint

In joint resection, an incision made at the top of the toe, allowing access to the ligaments as well as tendons below. The tendons and ligaments may be cut in order to in straightening the foot. The tip of one bone is cut off in order for the toe to be extended fully. Small rods or pins made of metal are frequently employed to ensure that the toe stays straight as it heals. The pins are typically removed about a month following surgery.


When fusion is performed the ligaments and tendons are taken out to help straighten your toe. When this is done, however the ends of the two bones that make up the joint affected are cut to keep your toe more straight. The use of screws or pins is to help the bones' ends are healing or fusion.


The toe of the hammer is typically covered by insurance companies or Medicare in the event that the condition is medically essential. Your doctor might think that the procedure is medically required when:

  • you're experiencing pain
  • the hammer's toe is impacting your balance
  • the hammertoe's impact is affecting the general health of your feet

Correction of a hammer's toe for solely aesthetic reasons won't be protected by insurance.

The price for out-of-pocket Hammer toe surgery is approximately $4,265, according the Bluebook for Healthcare. Bluebook.



The full recovery from hammer-toe surgery can take several weeks. The length of time will depend on the kind of procedure. It is possible to purchase a specific shoe to assist you in your walking and to maintain your balance while recovering. It is also possible to require crutches or an aid for walking.

It is recommended not to have your heel elevated for the majority of the time during the first few weeks following surgery. This relieves pressure from the toe and help it heal. There will be some swelling around your toe. It could last until a year but it should ease within a short time after the procedure. If you have screws or pins within your foot, these can be removed in a couple of weeks after surgery.

If the surgery was performed on the right side of your foot, you'll be unable to drive for a couple of weeks. It is important to consult your physician about any limitations on driving or other pursuits. Don't even put your foot on the water until the screws or pins are removed.


Every surgery is prone to complications, such as:

  • Infection
  • nerve damage
  • Blood clots and blood formation of clots
  • A negative reaction to anesthesia, particularly if it's you use it during procedure

The complications associated with hammer toe surgery could mean that your toe may be able to curl once more. It's not common, but. It's also uncommon that bones aren't healed properly following an fusion.



If your hammer-toe is recurring (which is highly unlikely) it will, another surgery might be required. The most common scenario is that you may be capable of bending your toe just a little. Certain people cannot bend their toes at all. This shouldn't hinder your balance or walking.

You'll probably need to be careful about shoes that pinch your toes, as well as high heels that exert pressure on your toes. Hammer toe surgery is a great way to relieve the discomfort, pain and cosmetic issues.

Step 2

In order to get ready for surgery, here are some things you can do:

  • Find a taxi following the process.
  • Think about arranging for a caregiver to assist you on on the day of procedure, and maybe for a couple of days following.
  • If you live in two stories in your home make sure you have a room that has everything you'll require downstairs to avoid the staircases while you recuperate.

If you're in the beginning of talking about your options for Hammer Toes treatment in Perth, talk to your physician which kind of procedure is ideal for you, and why. Be sure to understand the potential risks and benefits of each procedure and the best way to get a good recovery.