Every entity with a functional website must pay immense importance to improving its inclusive aspect. The continuously evolving digital landscape ensures that everyone, regardless of their ability, can access information. A for-profit or non-profit organization has to develop and maintain an inclusive website. Making a site undergo AODA testing ensures that it is accessible to individuals with disabilities.

AODA stands for the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Every public sector enterprise, especially in Canada, must adhere to AODA guidelines and create websites that are easy for disabled people to access. 

Abiding by already determined accessibility standards is paramount to improving inclusive user experience. Every such organization can only launch its official site once it passes AODA compliance testing.

What are the Four Cardinal Web Accessibility Principles?

The AODA has already specified a stringent multi-year plan to eradicate everything that's a barrier to accessibility. It has been done primarily for individuals with various sorts of impairments in Ontario, Canada. The prime focus is on four vital areas:

  • Information and communication
  • Goods and services
  • Transportation
  • Employment

AODA requires website owners to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, which the World Wide Web Consortium established. Here are the four main web accessibility principles.

  • Perceivable - Website owners must prioritize presenting web content in a way that every user can perceive properly. They must ensure that individuals with limited sensory abilities can easily perceive all information on the sites.
  • Operable - Website navigation elements and user interfaces have to be operable and functional for all users. 
  • Understandable - Website content must be easily comprehensible for users regardless of their abilities. There should be no grammatical errors or use of complex words. 
  • Robust - Most individuals with visual or hearing problems use assistive technology-equipped devices. So, website owners must ensure that the site content is compatible with various similar technologies. 

No public organization can afford to avoid the AODA website compliance test if it has to launch its site. Anyone visiting an AODA-compliant website does not face issues accessing site-specific information.

Which Factors Make AODA Site Compliance Test Essential?

Organizations serious about ensuring that information on their sites is accessible to every user prioritize certain key factors. Taking the AODA compliance test into consideration is of paramount importance for the following reasons.

Legal Responsibilities:

A public sector company in Ontario can face terrible legal consequences if it fails to comply with AODA guidelines. It must either pay hefty fines or face legal action for non-compliance. Hence, AODA testing is a legal obligation for these organizations.

Improve Search Engine Ranking:

A website accessible to all, regardless of their ability to hear and see, ranks higher in SERPs. The leading search engine, Google, gives more preference to these sites as accessibility is a crucial ranking factor. So, every business or non-profit entity must develop an accessible site to achieve higher ranking and visibility.

Inclusive Web Design:

While designing the website, an organization must consider every vital design-specific aspect. The site's design should not prevent users with disabilities from accessing the information they seek. Main web design elements, such as layouts, color contrast, font type, size, etc., should get priority. An inclusive web design makes a site accessible and AODA compliant.

Improve Brand Image and Credibility:

Business organizations that want to expand their loyal customer base must work on improving their reputation. More people, regardless of their expertise, will choose a company if it makes its website accessible. It becomes easier to win users' trust when an organization proves its commitment to improving the site's accessibility. 

People keep faith in a brand with a good image and enhanced credibility. Therefore, the most informed decision is to obtain AODA compliance testing services from a renowned provider. https://www.acadecraft.com/accessibility/free-consultation/

Boost Engagement of Users:

People with various types of impairments can only find your website information useful if it's AODA compliant. To ensure that every site visitor engages with web content, the organization needs to make its site accessible. Taking this step can help widen the site's reach and improve the overall user experience. 

What are the Main Steps of the AODA Compliance Test Procedure?

Every Ontario public enterprise must clearly understand every vital step of the AODA compliance test process. It is sensible to opt for AODA testing solutions only after gaining profound knowledge.

  • An organization should assess the site independently to ensure compliance with WCAG 2.0 guidelines.
  • Manual testing of the site is requisite for meticulous evaluation.
  • Harnessing the potential of automated testing equipment is necessary to detect potential accessibility problems. 

Final Words

Every public company in Ontario has the prime responsibility of ensuring that its website is accessible. Once the site passes the AODA compliance test, an organization is certain that it is accessible to people with disabilities. A website that allows every user, regardless of their abilities, to access information makes the digital space more inclusive. 

An organization that gives priority to improving site accessibility can easily enhance its user experience and reach a wider audience. Moreover, an inclusive website can help a brand become more credible and popular.