Technology is defined in many ways by some people, but it is not the nature of the technology that is fascinating. It is what you can do with it that puts it where it sits in our modern world. Back in the days of film and music-making industries, the goal was to get the equipment that was used for that sort of thing from limited access to viral and public freedom. The reason behind this is that technology as a whole is an excellent driver for talent and imagination. In fact, in many ways, those two things correlate in terms of giving the user freedom, whereby the absence of such technology was a massive creative hindrance to artists and the entire world as a whole. In many ways, this type of technology and its effect on management is worth studying and digging into, as well as covering the basics of what the management technology looks like primarily. There was a quote from famous filmmaker and director Ang Lee when he says: “to chase our imagination, even though we know we’ll never catch it.”
1. Definition
The management of technology is the process of controlling or instead of directing the development of technology. In other words, having creative freedom within the limits of reason and ethical behavior, which by extent stems from the more prominent role of usage for human betterment, design ideas, technological products, and the rest is on. Once more, the management of technology is not exclusive to the big corporate companies that develop these technologies. Still, it also falls in the hands of their market place, shareholders, and ultimately the target audience they are associating with. In many cases, any new piece of software or hardware that is newly introduced to the public has to go through three main stages. Technology management often comes in the form of programs or dedicated start-ups for engineers and management students that are knowledgeable in both fields. Technology management is primarily concerned with the effect of business on the production and the direction of technology, whether it be within a single medium or the entire industry.
2. Stages of technology management
When a new technological product or even prototype is shown in what is called a tech event, the public reacts to its different nuances, from design to features and the new things it brings to the table and old ones that it updates. The next step is the integration of the product into the everyday life of the consumer, which happens in the form of adapting to the product’s presence and making changes to the daily routine to acknowledge the presence of the product. The third and final step is the feedback the users give about the product; this happens solely to make the product more user friendly and more optimized for the targeted market in the next editions. This cycle is the fundamental representation of the interaction between the product maker and the user under the goal of shaping the next generation of technological products.Related: Information Technology: Definition
3. The uses of technology management
There are many implications of technology management in the real world, the best one being the introduction of smart technology or smartphones, to be exact. They were only cellular devices that we used for vocal communication with other people at the time, then the first smartphone was introduced, and it changed the world’s idea of what a handheld device can do. We took that technology and ran the entire mile with it, and the users demanded more features and design ideas went flying out of the roof for smartphone designers. The significant changes that the devices had undergone were forced by an audience that was passionate and excited about the product, the smartphone industry is one of the most profitable today by far, and that goes back to the technology management that the companies took with this particular product. Most of the early examples of technology management were in the form of programs that led to the usage of technology for various reasons and in many fields such as education and engineering. Technology management usually means that the company making the technology product uses business tactics to either lower the cost of making the product, having more units to elevate the product manufacturing process, appealing to a broader range of audiences, and expanding the targeted market for more sales scale and ultimately more profit. The companies try to come up with the best way possible to survive in the competitive world of the technology industry, and the ay to do that is to support the creativity and innovation of the workers and staff in order to be radical and different with the new ideas that might solve already existing problems, and exploring that creativity within the parameters of business is the key to healthy technology management.
4. Concepts, and how to manage tech
There are many tactics that big corporate entities use to maintain a robust workflow, some of them are related to the workers, and some are not. The way technology management takes place is to assess and question the outcome of every executive decision making and the repercussions it might have on the company in the long term. The development team layout multiple ideas to the board of the company to get their approval and their verdict will be based on the betterment of the company and the product according to their knowledge of the market. But many times it is the ingenuity and ability to come up with fresh ideas that make or break the product, because the market place for technology is vast and competitive, which means the users will not be interested unless it carries vision and innovation towards the nest line-up of tech. That is why the new phones we are seeing are becoming more futuristic looking, that is also why TVs keep getting flattened, and that is primarily why technology products will never stop pushing the boundaries of what they can be and what they can do.
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Originally published on Live Positively.