1. what is well-being?
Well-being concept refers to the state linked to the balance of different factors, such as; money, health, time for leisure, and healthy emotional relationships. This state also links the satisfaction of the body's needs with the calm of the mind.Since the concept of “good” is subjective, well-being means a lot of things depending on the person. Some people attach a great deal of importance to the economic factor (for example, for some; well-being is when they are able to afford a modern car, flat-screen TV, and designer clothes ). While others associate well-being with that which is spiritual (being at peace with oneself, being close to God, etc.).A good health is understood to mean the state of total physical, mental, and social well-being. In general, well-being is the state of a person allowing the proper functioning of his psychic and somatic activity. Therefore, mental health is a state of well-being that allows everyone to fulfill their potential and do their best at work, in family, and society.Being happy with a sick body, doesn’t refer to well-being, or being in good health but anxious and stressful at the same time. Well-being is peace and serenity of the body and the mindWell-being is defined as the presence of positive emotions (satisfaction, happiness) and the absence of negative ones (sadness, anxiety).It is necessary to take into consideration three components to understand and measure the well-being of individuals:
1.1 Satisfaction
It refers to the cognitive or evaluative dimension of well-being, a judgment, and a global evaluation of one's life or of any other field or situation such as work, or couple life. Satisfaction is often linked to the achievement of objectives and the feeling of success.
1.2 Pleasure
It is related to the emotional dimension of well-being. It is about the quality of a person’s experience in regard to the emotions she or he lived, and it reflects the way a person feels about his or her life or a situation rather than how she or he remembers it.
1.3 Self-realization
Corresponds to the “eudemonic” dimension of well-being. It gathers all the attributes that contribute to the fulfillment and psychological development of individuals, such as autonomy or the feeling of having an influence on one's life or on any other field or situation.
2. Types of well-being
The major types of well-being are as follows:
2.1 Emotional well-being
Means feeling good and positive, experiencing positive emotions such as love, happiness, and satisfaction.
2.2 Physical well-being
Is being in good physical health through healthy eating.
2.3 Social well-being
Is to be able to interact well with society; to communicate and develop relationships.
2.4 Work well-being
Is the ability to reach satisfaction in your work.
3. The ways to well-being, happiness, and fulfillment
3.1 well-being (physical and/or psychological)
What is well-being? Already, this includes an absence of physical and/or psychological discomfort. In other words, "a healthy mind in a healthy body." Well-being is always accompanied by satisfaction and happiness.
3.2 happiness
When you are satisfied to the point of feeling a complete joy, you get closer to happiness. Because joy is generally fleeting.
3.3 Fulfillment
Fulfillment is the specific experience of feeling satisfaction, joy, or particular happiness linked to a given activity. This translates into a lived experience of self-fulfillment and expression of one's potential. Fulfillment is, above all a dynamic, and a process.
4. Different strategies of well-being
It is normal to seek well-being. For the majority of people, it is close at hand. Everyone has his strategies: for this one, it will be having a coffee or a beer on the terrace of a bar, for another practicing their favorite sport, for third inviting friends to dinner, and for a fourth making a mountain walk. Often it will be to multiply the occasions: have a drink, with your friends, after sport and invite them to eat afterward. Why limit yourself?Fortunately, however, not everything is programmed in life. Well-being is imaginative and comes out of the blue: this bird who sings this morning at the end of winter, this child who smiles at you in the street, this co-worker who makes a pleasant play on words… All of this contributes to this feeling of pleasure.
5. How to improve your daily well-being?
Like all people who are concerned with improving their well-being and health with a global approach, the important thing to gain serenity is to develop a healthy lifestyle, both physical and spiritual. To improve your well-being, it seems important not to dissociate the physical from the spiritual and to take care of each other with the same attention.
5.1 A good interior for your well-being
The well-being of each person is, therefore, their psychological and physiological well-being.The environment will play a major role in the health and the quality of life of a person. It will, therefore, be necessary to take care of the place in which we evolve a large part of our time, its place of life, so as not to be exposed to harmful elements.These domestic threats take many forms, from parasites, dust, to the very composition of our household products ...All this causing more or less irreversible health problems, such as allergies, respiratory diseases, etc.
5.2 Live Zen for your well-being:
Regarding mental well-being, there are different means available to us, more or less effective depending on the person, in order to promote a good balance of mind and to be Zen.The environment will also play a key role in this balance, as well as a certain lifestyle that offers to avoid as much as possible to interfere with our psychological well-being. It's about doing everything to live Zen.
5.3 Sleep well for your well-being
No sleepless well-being. Big or small sleeper, early riser, or a night owl, we all have different needs compared to sleep.What remains true for everyone is that sleep is absolutely essential for their health and well-being, beyond problems of alertness during the day, poor quality sleep can lead to long-term hypertension, obesity, diabetes, emotional disorders, and immune deficiency.Quality sleep allows our body to recover physically and psychologically, and to rebuild its immune defenses against threats like viruses and bacteria.
5.4 Eat less and better to improve well-being
Do you feel like you are always eating too much and fat? You are getting fat; It’s not pleasant because you feel weak. Why do we take belly? Mainly because we eat too much fat, too sweet, too salty.Here a suggested method to eat better and well:
- Listen to your body for satiety.
- Stop eating when you are not hungry.
- Choose your products according to their origin and their ingredients (industrial products of large surfaces are often very sweet and make you gain weight when at the bottom, you would not even have suspected).
- Eat real, eat healthily, eat (preferably) organic, and not prepared or processed.
- Consume foods closest to nature: least prepared fruits, vegetables, and avoid industrial products.
- Avoid refined sugar (prefer whole sugar), meat, dairy products (prefer vegetable milk) and butter.
5.5 Practice sport for your well-being
The benefits of practicing a sport are various in terms of physical and mental health. Thus, the consequences on quality of life and well-being are appreciable throughout life. Practicing a sport preserves your health and adds life to years, and years to life.Moderate exercise helps lower blood triglyceride levels. In fact, to effectively lower triglycerides, you have to combine 4 measures: less alcohol, less weight, less sugar ... and more sport.Waist circumference is a major health indicator. The larger it is, the greater the risk to health increases. Choose a calorie burner sport to increases your life expectancy.Physical preparation, including running, reduces the external manifestations of mild or moderate depression by releasing the pleasure hormone endorphin. 30 minutes of walking every day is enough to start lowering cholesterol.Faced with high blood pressure, sport is one of the rules of healthy living benefits to the body in general, and to the cardiovascular system in particular.Exercising moderately does not lose weight but allows you to stay in shape and keep muscle mass, which itself consumes energy.And then, physical activity is also:
- To do the housework,
- Dance,
- Play with children,
- Tidy,
- Visit a city on foot…
Do not hesitate to find the sport you need, at home or outside, to gain well-being!
5.6 Focus on the positive
Your well-being depends on your vision of the world. Today, decide to focus only on the positive aspects of what is happening to you to live better. Don't waste any more time with the negative elements that keep you away from this positive attitude.This habit will help you stay positive in all circumstances, even in the most difficult times. Under these conditions, and in all serenity, your spirit will develop a culture of success, which will be the source of real well-being.
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Originally published on Live Positively.